Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1911 Birdsall/Greenaway Wedding

About a month prior to the wedding ceremony uniting in marriage Fern Greenaway with Louis Birdsall, a short blurb was published in The Fowlerville Review announcing that invitations for this wedding had been printed and were being sent out.  Did that mean that basically pretty much everyone in the Fowlerville area was invited to the wedding? 
I guess I found that kind of curious because when your invitation did not arrive, it might have made some feel slighted.
Anyhow, back to the wedding.  Louis Birdsall took over operations of the grist mill, which was located at the northeast corner of North Grand avenue and Mill street, halfway between where the fire department and library now reside (see photo below).  Prior to that, the Greenaway family owned and operated the mill.

Although this wedding announcement mentions Mr. Birdsall was a high school principal, he must have resigned that position for them to eventually live in Fowlerville, their house located where you will now find a parking lot across from the library.   

When I was doing research for my first book I came across information that Fern (Greenaway) Birdsall became a music/piano teacher and taught out of their home.  I even had a couple of my "informants" mentioning how they could remember both Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall.

Following is a squinty-eyed view of a 1956 aerial photograph (north is at the top of the pic), showing the grist mill (largest building close to the upper lefthand corner) with their house over to the right in the picture, showing the backside of the house as it fronted on Mill street.

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