Yesterday's squint shots showed piles of rubble on the second floor of the buildings on the east side of North Grand Avenue. Today's pictures show an expanded view of the portion over Olden Days Cafe, looking from the south side of the old Bell Opera House to the north half that has been closed off. The three boarded-up windows front North Grand Avenue . . . . . . and this is the north wall of the room . . . . . . and this iswhere the stage and dressing rooms were located. The portion of the stage you can see at the right side of the photograph has always been visible above The Decorating Center; a portion of this room used as storage. This north portion of the opera house has been closed off for many, many years. As with future squint shots, you will see the wall treatment, the north entrance to the hall, and closeups of other interesting bits uncovered when the wall dividing the room in half was torn down.
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