Early in the year of 1878, the Reason House (shown above), also known as "Independence Hall," burned to the ground. It was located at the southwest corner of the main four corners of Fowlerville. By 1880, the new brick structure, 2 1/2 stories above ground and a half story below, was completed by George Reason. All of this information can easily be found in my book, The Fowlerville Chronicles. What I didn't include was information so graciously offered a few weeks ago by a descendant of George Reason. Following you will find pictures of George Reason, his wife Sarah, their sons and daughters, and then obituaries for both George and Sarah. 

Thank you kindly to Mr. Reason's relative that sent this information to me. Every little bit of history that we can accummulate and preserve for future generations is a plus in my book, and hopefully by posting it on this website, we are working toward that end. If I may be so bold, if anyone else has anything they would like to add, please feel free to contact me. You can either e-mail pictures or we can meet and I will look through your archival information and we can catalog it for preservation.
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