As previously announced, the leading event of the season to the young people -- the masquerade ball -- occurred on Wednesday evening last. The Cornet Band began the exercises of the evening with an open-air concert in front of the Opera House at about 8 pm and then adjourned to the interior, where soon a goodly crowd of spectators awaited the arrival of the masqueraders, who made their appearance at about 8:45 and opened with the grand march, after which quadrilles, waltzes, etc., were indulged in until 11 o'clock, when the participators, consisting of about 25 couples, were requested to unmask and receive prizes, Miss Ida Parks receiving the prize for the finest ladies' costume -- a beautiful silver bouquet holder -- and Will Johr for the finest gentleman's costume -- a silver cup. Then prize waltz occurred in which Fowlerville, Williamston, and Howell were represented. After the second trial, the judges awarded the prize, a fine silver-mounted pickle castor, to C.H. Edgar, of this place, and partner, Miss Vanswell, of Chicago, although it was the sense of the company that it should be given to Mr. and Mrs. English, of this place. Supper was then served for those who wished it at the Commercial hotel. The dancing was continued until a late hour and all who took part seemed to enjoy it very much, and the managers should be commended for carrying out the programme so nicely. In the drawing for the oil painting, 'The trappers last shot,' Geo. Hyne held the lucky ticket.
Unfortunately, though, a week later:
Dr. C.S. Bowman requests us to remind the party who took a whip from his buggy standing in front of Cooper & Osborne's on the evening of the masquerade ball that he had better return the same within ten days or legal action will be commenced, as his action was seen by two parties standing inside of the store.
And then, a fun article I found in the paper published a few weeks later:
It has recently come to light that Chas. Elliott and Ida Parks (see winner above) have been married ever since the latter part of May last, and none of the gossipers of the village have been the wiser for it. It seems utterly impossible to keep anything from them for such a length of time, but Charley swears it is a fact, and we have no reason to doubt his word. Therefore, we congratulate them upon the keeping of their little secret, and wish Mr. and Mrs. Elliott a happy and joyous future.
So . . . does that mean they were truly part of the masquerade at the ball?!
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