In previous squint shots, I have mentioned this house was moved by the Peek family, after they purchased it from the Defendorfs in the 1920s. William Peek's son, Leslie, served in World War I. In 1917, he was promoted to the position of corporal in Battery A, Michigan Field Auxiliary, and very quickly moved onto acting battalion supply sergeant. Leslie would write back home and these long letters would be republished in the local newspaper, The Fowlerville Review. The first of many letters was entitled "Somewhere in France" and was mailed March 17, 1918:
Dear Dad and All:
Have arrived safely in the land of wine, woman and song, but the place has evidently changed some since it was dubbed the above name. I will be unable to tell you anything about this country, but will write a few lines about some of the things I saw in merry England.
I am in the best of health and am located in an exceedingly fine camp. It is strictly American in every respect. I am picking up French rapidly and will no doubt be able to carry on a little conversation in a month or so.
I have seen some of the most interesting castles in France and England; visited a certain town in England which I will endeavor to tell you something about. I will be unable to mention several names but will give them when I return . . .
He went on to describe in great detail the town founded about 50 B.C., populated with Brittans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. Upon doing a little research, it may have been Colchester, possibly the oldest recorded town in Britain. Leslie Peek returned to the United States, and made it home to Michigan, in 1919. An article regarding a reception held in Bancroft was reprinted in the local newspaper:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Peek entertained 32 of the immediate relatives and friends Sunday in honor of Lieut. Leslie E. Peek, their nephew, who has just returned from overseas with his company, the 119th Field Artillery. Harry Hunter was also a member of this company and during the heaviest fighting, he and Mr. Peek were close together. He was invited as an honored guest. The occasion was a very enjoyable one, long to be remembered.~~Bancroft Commercial.
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