Thursday, February 12, 2009

Business As Usual

Fowlerville works.

It is as simple as that. And that is exactly what I would like to tout today and tomorrow.

Business owners are committed to the success of this area and they continue to show it. And, one of those ways is by being organized. Over 70 businesses and organizations in this area make up the Fowlerville Business Association (which you can investigate more about at

If you are a member of this organization, you already know about how networking works at the monthly breakfast and once-a-month after hours activity.

It is invaluable.

In the context of a social situation, businesses are promoted and deals are made. But none of this would work if our companies did not have the support of you, the shopper. So, take a minute and check out Fowlerville Business Association's website listing of their members. You might just find what you are looking for.

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