Sunday, February 1, 2009

Small Town Living

Sunday Funnies . . . and what better way to kick off this than with having a bit of a laugh on ourselves.

Fowlerville has grown and changed over the last 10 years I've lived here, but it is still small-town America. There is hardly a store that I walk into that someone doesn't know my name, or doesn't hail me with a genuine greeting, or can't find the time to shoot the breeze for a few minutes.

So when I came across these ways to identify that you might be from a small town, I couldn't resist. They are meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but maybe a little bit true. Have a laugh or two and let me hear from you for more ways I might have missed.

You might be from a small town if . . .

. . . You can name everyone you graduated with.

. . . You know what 4H is.

. . . You ever went to a party that was held about 20 miles down a deserted dirt road or in a small country cemetery.

. . . You said a major swear word and your parents knew within the hour.

. . . You scheduled parties around the different police officers' schedules since you knew which ones would bust you.

. . . You ever went or thought about cow-tipping.

. . . School would get cancelled for a sports team going to state finals.

. . . You could never buy cigarettes because all the store clerks knew how old you were.

. . . The whole school would show up at the same party after graduation.

. . . You couldn't help but date a friend's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend.

. . . Your car was always filthy from the dirt roads.

. . . On any given Friday evening, you could find everyone at the main four corners or a local restaurant.

. . . You decided to walk for exercise and at least five people pulled over and offered you a ride.

And, finally . . .

. . . Your teachers would call you by your older sibling's name.

Now, I need to hear from you. Can you think of any that I've left out?

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