Well, now we are into the fun stuff of having the roof re-shingled with what we hope to have last for 30 years. And Daniel A. Mayhew Builder, along with his crew, is doing the work.
And what a wonderful job they are doing.

Now this may start to sound like a commercial for Mayhews, but whatever praise I can heap onto them is well worth it. So far, I have not had to do a thing but spectate.
Unbeknownst to me, the shingles were delivered and the next day, the work began in earnest.

By mid-morning of the first day of work,

Not bad, though, being able to work under such a beautiful blue sky.

Work continued the second day, under that same clear sky, with Dan "supervising" the men -- or maybe more like bending their ears. They knew exactly what needed to be done.

Our house is a cape-cod style, with wonderful corners and roof slants and dormers to work around. But even that didn't seem to slow them down. Maybe it even makes it a bit interesting.
But, probably one of the coolest things of all is their attention to detail and clean-up.

If you are interested in reading about more about Mayhew's Services, click here and take time to browse around.
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