My brother works with watercolors and is an exceptional photographer. You can find his passion here at Path Art and Photos. He has had numerous gallery showings, and many of his pieces of artwork have been hung in government offices, personal offices, and homes.
I'm not sure how many pieces of his work I could own before it is too many, but I'm sure I'll try to find out.
One of my favorite places
to enjoy all the mediums of artwork is online, the worldwide web. There are many sites I visit on a routine basis.
One of my favorite places

And, with permission, a lot of this art decorates Meryl's Musings. My latest find is at Artsyville where this artist
works mainly with paper and colored pencils. Much of her work reminds me of an earlier, simpler time, but some helps to explain the finer mysteries of life with a bit of humor. So much to read and look at.-

Take some time out of your busy day and peruse various sites, especially Artsyville. It will be worth it.
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