Although the stained-glass windows that surround the sanctuary all look similar, the names below tell a lifetime of stories. These particular names I have never heard of before -- does anyone have something as to add to whom C.D. and E.M. Parsons where -- what business they may have had in town?

I love receiving comments and e-mail and this information I would love to pass along.
Look at the history of Conway township and you will find information on the Parsons family. I think he was a farmer
I believe that this C. D. Parsons was the grandson of one of the first settlers of Conway Township, C. D. Parsons. The Parsons family was very active in Methodism, and were some of the founding members of First United Methodist Church. I think there is a photo of C. D. in the History of Methodism in the Fowlerville Area by Rev. Ronald A. Brunger. There is a copy either in the library or in the Archives.
Mike Grimm
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