Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Squint Shot 021610

Standing at the candy counter, admiring too many wonderful choices of chocolates, I took a moment to look back toward the street. After just spending an hour or so inside the First United Methodist Church and checking out the stained-glass windows there, I marveled at the simplicity of Sweet Sensations front windows. The straight lines and colors. Interesting fact . . . as Sherry and Les Pardee were refurbishing this storefront in the late 1990s, the stained-glass windows at each side of the front door were intact. The window above the door was not. It held an air-conditioning unit. Well, that was not going to fit into the Pardees' scheme of decorating, so they had a stained-glass window made to complement the other original ones . . . and tossed the air-conditioning unit.

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