Thursday, August 26, 2010

Too Much Fun

The "buzz" regarding The Fowlerville Chronicles has grown, at least for me, to the factor of "too much fun."

Yesterday, Maria Stuart interviewed me at 10 am at the Uptown Coffeehouse in Howell and by noon, an article was posted on her website, LivingstonTalk. Look for the article about some crazy woman that "loves Fowlerville." Guess that's me.

In the same day, the Livingston County Press and Argus, thanks to Candy Spiegel, published a wonderful article of an interview I had with her about a month ago. If you head to Livingston Press and Argus, scroll down to the bottom, look for the "tailgating" booklet, then head to page 11, you will see the article.

The Fowlerville Rotary Club also was gracious enough to ask me to speak about the "whys" and "hows" of the book. It was, once again, too much fun because so many memories were brought to the forefront for many of our members. Also, some of our newer members had all sorts of questions about the buildings and storefronts in which they reside.

I'm not an expert, but I have catalogued a ton of information and much of that is still residing somewhere in my brain and in my laptop. As the months progress, I will be posting many of the articles and information I came across in the my research while writing the book; most of which I could not fit into the overall picture.

Be sure to check back -- it might just be something you are interested in.

1 comment:

Drew said...

Wow...Look at all those "Meet the Author" events!