Candy Spiegel has written an article regarding this very post, which you can find by clicking here and then heading toward the bottom of the page, scrolling the special issues until you find Livingston Home, click on that, then head to pages 6 and 7 (so sorry for this hassle but the link to the exact pages were not working). It was a blast being interviewed, or as I mentioned to my husband, just call me "motor mouth." I basically downloaded 2 years of information of me putting together these pictures and doing what research I could accomplish around my day job (be sure to click on "day job" to see). She's a good listener!Since you are here now, thank you also for checking out this website about Fowlerville. Each day there will be a new squint shot, sometimes articles, once in a while recipes and jokes so be sure to check back. And, as one of my visitors, please feel free to leave comments or maybe even suggestions of what you are interested in. I'm always glad to hear from my readers.
So, once again, thank you, Candy, for promoting The Fowlerville Observer.