Cambell-Defendorf~~Dr. Perry Cambell of Ionia, and Grace A. Defendorf of this place, were quietly married in the presence of the immediate relatives and a few invited friends at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Defendorf on Wednesday at four o'clock p.m. the Rev. J.E. Ryerson performing the ceremony.
Elegant refreshments were served and the occasion was a very enjoyable one to all present. They were the recipients of some very useful and valuable presents in which was manifest the warm place the worthy couple occupy in the esteem of their friends. Dr. Cambell has a fine business at Ionia where he enjoys a liberal patronage and the respect of his professional associates and the entire community in which he lives. The bride is one of our accomplished and esteemed young ladies. For years she has been one of the prominent and faithful workers in the M.E. church, Sunday school and Epworth league. She possesses a musical ability that has been fully appreciated by the church in her services in the choir, both as organist and vocalist. She served the Sunday school very ably both as organist and secretary and she will be greatly missed from the social circles of the church and village and all will unite in extending their best wishes for the future prosperity and happiness of the happy couple in their new home at Ionia, where they will make their future life.
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