There were articles in the old Fowlerville Review of the meetings, although not much was mentioned of what was discussed. From all appearances, this was just a casual, social get-together of the merchants in town. When the building wasn't being used for these meetings, it was a restaurant that saw its share of travelers, as the train would stop at the Pere Marquette, and for locals looking for a meal. It also saw its share of small fires -- one such instance was noted in the newspaper when a fire was discovered on the south side of the restaurant, possibly ignited from sparks from the train as one traveled past.
It has been mentioned to me that a few years ago this house was being remodeled and huge, thick white oak beams and planks could be seen before the siding was replaced. Maybe that is part of the reason this house still stands.
And now the reason I mentioned this is a "bridge" to different photographs. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be showing some memoriabilia that some local residents have offered up to me for my picture-taking. I am always pleased when someone finds me and let's me know they've got something from days-gone-by of Fowlerville.