Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1977 Tobias Anniversary

Married 50 Years~~

Mr. and Mrs. T. Nelson Tobias of Fowlerville will observe their 50th wedding anniversary April 2.  The couple was married in the First Methodist Church of Port Huron by the Rev. Russell Bready.  Their family hosted a reception for them on their 45th anniversary in 1972, in the church where they were married.  This year, Mr. and Mrs. Tobias will observe their anniversary by taking a trip through parts of Michigan and Ontario.  They have eight children and 15 grandchildren.  Since their retirement, they have remained active in community and church affairs.

The above announcement was published in the Fowlerville Review, March 30, 1977.  As I did research for both the first and second books, I did come across T. Nelson Tobias' name but cannot now remember what he did -- anyone care to leave a comment?  I believe, for one thing, he was quite active in Rotary for a time.

On a side note, I'd like to celebrate this post as being the 2000th article on this blog, which includes everything from squint shots to current events to history lessons to my book promotions, with a few recipes and jokes mixed in.  Also, with an average of over a hundred hits on this site per day, I am fast approaching a milestone of six digit numbers of views -- who would have thought!

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