I was heading back from some deliveries for my "day job" (which you can check out over to the right sidebar) and decided it was too nice of a day to head back to work. For a few minutes.
So I took what I like to call a "left turn." Instead of heading back by the most direct route, I took a longer way. Most everyone that lives close to Fowlerville knows about Six Corners, also known as Fleming, halfway between M-59 and Fowlerville on Grand River Avenue. It consists of three roads that intersect -- thus the "six corners" reference -- has a couple businesses, an old church that may be refurbished someday, an old schoolhouse that serves as a learning center on history, and a few homes.
Well, I was heading west on Grand River Avenue and turned north onto Fleming Road. It took me past a very old cemetery and then open fields on both sides. Except for these maple trees. A picture doesn't really do it justice, but just about every tree had a white bucket hanging from it, collecting sap for delicious maple syrup.

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