Monday, April 9, 2012

Squint Shot 040912

Here's another great give-away from a local business in Fowlerville in the mid-to-late 1900s -- Alex J. Tait Real Estate.  This company was located at the northeast corner of North Second Street and East Grand River Avenue.  The house and office building that used to stand there was torn down a couple winters ago and is now extended parking for the State Farm Insurance house one lot over.  It is also being developed into a little more green space for the downtown area.  If you happen to walk by the corner, be sure to stop at the large rock with the plaque and (usually) a flag. 

If you've read this blog at all, there has been a great deal of mention of this rock, placed there by the Grand Army of the Republic Fowlerville John Gilully Post 114, in commemmoration of those lost in the Civil War from this area.  The post no longer exists as it was disbanded when the last Civil War veteran, Orrin Button, passed away in 1935.

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