Looking upward at the ferris wheel . . .

And the carousel ride . . .

After I checked out the mobster house . . .

And hurried by the pirate . . .

To enjoy a few more stars . . .

Before considering the whirly-gig . . .
But, then Mr. B's, of Doug Burnie fame, came into view, and I decided a corn dog on a stick sounded like so much more fun. You know, he's been feeding fairgoers and quenching thirsts at fairs around the state for the last five seasons, all the while being a part of Fowlerville Hardware store. Always nice to see a smiling face . . .
But then it was time to move on to the agricultural part of the fair . . .
Such concentration . . .

And displays of healthy growth . . .

But, oh some of these mad faces . . .

And, some are even a bit shy, like Flash the horse . . .

But those cows . . . how they do know how to relax . . .

While the roosters feed away.

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