Monday, October 18, 2010

Squint Shot 101810

In 1913, John C. Ellsworth purchased the building owned by Hugh Loughlin (in the southeast quadrant), adjoining the Gardner block on the east side. In later years, it would become the State Bank with Mr. Ellsworth as President of the bank. The following is a notice that was printed in The Fowlerville Review in 1922 with information on the bank's status as well as its officers. Many in Fowlerville still remember Mr. Ellsworth, and the large house on North Grand Avenue across from the high school is still sometimes referred to as "the old banker's" home. This picture below was found in the Fowlerville Historical Collection. There was no date on it, but based on the telephone pole, maybe from the mid-40s (?). I never did come across an obituary for Mr. Ellsworth so that is why I've posted the bank information as was shown in my book, The Fowlerville Chronicles, as well as this picture of his house.

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