Thursday, March 17, 2011

1892 Place & Gale

In one of the local newspapers in Fowlerville, The Fowlerville Observer, Mr. Peek, the editor, gave some synopses of various business in town in 1892. Place & Gale was a busy, well-stocked mercantile company on the east side of North Grand Avenue, just north of the intersection. The following gives a good over-view of this storefront:

In the matter of large and first-class dry goods emporiums and boot and shoe establishments, Fowlerville is as well equipped as any village in the state; and among the largest and most important a prominent position must be given to the representative and progressive firm of Messrs. Place & Gale.

These gentlemen are thoroughly practical business men, fully acquainted with every feature and detail of their business, and the requirements of customers. The premises consists of two large and commodious salesrooms, with entrances on both Grand River street and Grand avenue. In dry goods, the assortment includes silks, satins, dress goods of various fabrics, laces, ribbons, dress trimmings, gloves, house keeper's goods, etc.; also hosiery, linens, woolens, cottons, fancy notions, curtains, draperies, carpets, and everything usually found in any first-class dry goods store.

In boots and shoes, the stock is an exceedingly large one and has been carefully chosen from stocks of the leading factories, which places this firm in a position to offer the very best bargains and meet the most exacting demands of their patrons; in fact, nothing in the boot, shoe and rubber line can be called for that they have not in stock. They also carry a large and complete line of crockery, glassware, etc., and an excellent stock of staple groceries.

The Messrs. Place & Gale are among our most enterprising merchants, and are thoroughly identified with the interests of Fowlerville and this community.

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