Monday, October 31, 2011
1879 Oyster Supper

Squint Shot 103111

Sunday, October 30, 2011
1880 Dr. A.W. Cooper
Dr. A.W. Cooper has just completed and placed in his office a very fine piece of furniture in the shape of a book case. 'Twill add greatly to the appearance of the office and is a credit to the building, S.S. Abbott.
Dr. A.W. Cooper lost a horse on Wednesday from colic.
Dr. A.W. Cooper has been appointed medical examiner in this village for the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company.
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Top row: Joyce E. Moore, Samuel Carusi, Marian E. Halliday, George R. Sherwood, Margaret R. Cole, Joyce J. Hamill, Idalene A. House, Edward M. Heinrich, Keith E. Huck, Rose Grieve, Donna E. Pierson.
Second row: George U. Lyons, Elsie Field, Arlin K. Risdon, Marilyn E. Berry, Earl C. Dickerson, Walter A. Roach, Dorothy A. Valentine, Helen M. O'Brien, Arnold Rowse, Barbar M. Hughes.
Third row: Mary Jane Boardway, Arlene E. Thyne, Donald E. Yerks, Hazel C. Jensen, Ruth E. Higdon, Eleanor M. Krebs, Lillian A. Arnold, Vernon E. MacKenzie, Vera E. Copeland.
Fourth row: Lauren K. Redinger, Marvel C. Casady, Norine F. Kelly, Treas., Patricia A. Sherwood, Sec'y, Janet E. Lucas, Pres., James B. Hall, Vice Pres., Leola M. Saunders, Mary R. Spagnuolo.
Bottom row: Shirley R. Hatfield, Merlon H. Klein, H.T. Smith, Supt., Raymond A. Matthews, Helen L. Sharpe.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
1880 Men's Club
At a later date,
Another new society has been formed in Fowlerville which is composed exclusively of young men, the principles of which are truly commendable. It seems to be a kind of off-set to the pink ribbon clubs. The name for the club has not been adopted. The following is the pledge:
We, the young men of Fowlerville and vicinity, do hereby pledge ourselves upon our sacred honor that we will neither buy, make, sell or use any spiritous or malt liquors, wine or cider, as a beverage; and further that we will not keep company with any young lady who cannot do her own washing or baking and the usual household work and will use all means in our power to induce our lady friends to become proficient in the knowledge necessary to make a house neat and tidy. Our motto is, 'Girls who know how to do house work or no wives.'
Your thoughts?
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Top row: Doris E. Hull, Gordon L. Sessions, Helen M. Horton, Irving Ebert, Alfred H. Jackson, Donald L. Boardway, Charlotte M. Reyhl, Richard Matthews, Mary Jean Hart, Louise E. Harris, Chester G. ----, Thelma Dunsmore.
Second row: Ellen Lyons, Jack Sherwood, Joan House, Deane M. Dingman, Elwood Joll, Patricia A. Kingsley, Hattie M. Wegienka, Elwood R. Copeland, Clarence Lee Munsell, Daisy M. Grieve.
Third row: --- Redinger, Leo M. Saunders, Doris Clinansmith, Wileata J. Smith, Treas., Carl H. Zwinck, Vice Pres., Marvin F. Grostic, Pres., Francella Outwater, Elwood E. Cole, Norma Louise Davis, Julia McGuire.
Fourth row: Aileen Tefft, Margaret Jean Grover, Melvin L. Lewis, Sam Epley, --- Canfield, Nathalie Roberta Davis, James R. Holmes, Mr. John Munn.
Bottom row: Gertrude Munsell, Milan K. Glover, H.T. Smith, Supt., Fernand L. Griffes, Marilyn Manning.
Friday, October 28, 2011
1880 Clothesline Thievery
The preceding article was found in an 1880 issue of The Fowlerville Review. Clothesline thieves have been prevalent through the years -- although not in recent history as most of us have indoor dryers and our clothes are fairly safe from robbery.
But in the late 1800s, it may have been very easy for someone to wander into town or jump from the train, release a few pieces of clothing from the backyard clothesline, then continue on his or her merry way out of town -- unnoticed and unremarkable.
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Top row: Francis C. Eisele, Carolyn J. Howell, Spencer Tomion, Donnah Weitbrecht, Howard G. Donaldson, Mary M. Becker, Clarence L. Lockwood, Mary N. Germain, Lynn L. Zimmerman, Carol F. House, Marvin Brooks.
Second row: Wilford C. Devereaux, A. Noreen Cole, Mary Ann Milett, George F. Rivers, Betty J. Tomion, Mary A. Liddicoatt, Leonard Cieslan, Jaleane Cable, Ruth E. Cole, Gerald W. Brown.
Third row: Lucille Klein, Arthur J. Russell, Betty J. Fenton, Sec'y, Cecil Vogt, Pres., Mr. H.T. Smith, Supt., Walter B. House, Vice Pres., Thelma J. Grostic, Treas., Alfred J. Sober, Marilyn M. Smock.
Fourth row: Betty J. Franson, Gilbert Rossetter , Robert H. Ruttman, Phyllis Biglow.
Bottom row: Geneva P. Turner, Darwood Gerecke, Ada M. Lucas, Carl H. Berglund, Melva E. Cole, Archie D. Haarer, Cora M. Dickerson, John H. Munsell, Sena C. Anderson, Kenneth G. Nelson, Arloa R. Farrell.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
1880 Brutal Assault
On Thursday evening at about half past nine o'clock as Isaac Simpson was watering his cows, he having been absent from home until late in the evening, two men came along the road past his house -- two miles north and one and a half miles west of this place -- driving a single horse and buggy, and Simpson mistaking one of them for Ruel Vandyke, called him by name and asked him where he was going, and received a reply that 'it was none of his d--- business,' whereupon he hastened to explain that he had made a mistake in the person. The party in the buggy then replied that 'he wanted a d--- good licking, and that he was the man that would give it to him' when Simpson ran into the barn, closely followed by the other, who proceeded to kick, cuff and strike Simpson in a lively manner. Simpson did little but yell and hallow 'murder!' which brought his wife out of the house, and, picking up a club, started to help her husband, when the other ruffian caught her by the hair of the head and threw her down by a pile of rails. The rascals, thinking that by this time their cries must have alarmed the neighbors, got into their buggy and drove rapidly towards Fowlerville. Geo. Horton, a nearby neighbor, hearing the cries, ran across the road and awakened Nelson Swarthout and both went to Simpsons togeteher. The three then followed the parties to this place, where they learned that the parties who did the pounding were Eugene Mann and his brother, Augustus. They were arrested the next day and gave bonds for their appearance before Justice Gould for trial for assault and battery on the person of Mr. Simpson on Monday. On Monday the boys were tried, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $25 each and cost of suit or 90 days at Ionia. The fines and costs together amounted to $86, which they paid. Simpson then intended to take them for personal damages, and also for assault and battery upon Mrs. Simpson. They settled all further suits with Simpson by paying him $100. The boys have always been more or less engaged in fighting scrapes, and we hope this will learn them a lesson, for it has cost them over $200.
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Top row: Eileen Ethel Danfolch, Ron E. Curtis, Simone Agnes Germain, Dolores Jule Allen, Dwayne O. Turner, Evelyn J. Hughes, Robert L. Bravener, Bethan Pearl Godfrey, Ione Grostic, Marian Christine Okron, Marian J. Hughes, Sherwood A. Zobl.
Second row: Shirley A. Zobl, Pauline Hart, Mario H. Betterly, Bertha Emeline Williams, Barbara E. Chase, Robert Bradley Grover, Laura Catherine Pierson, Linda H. Kleinschmidt, Phyllis Iline Monroe, Katherine Parsons, Kenneth L. Munsell, Gladys S. Sorenson, Alice J. Horton.
Third row: Louie F. Curtis, Erwin C. Zukowski, Betty L. Strong, Leonard G. Sanderson, Virginia Crandall Tomion, Sec'y, Donald M. Petrick, Treas., Norma Lou Joll, Vice Pres., Paul R. Allen, Pres., Laurel A. Kent, Neva C. Raddatz, Lodema Jackson, Margaret R. Sherwood.
Fourth row: Ruth E. Duncan, Betty M. Carlson, William L. Vogt, Betty Mae Vyse, Clare B. Copeland, Ardis E. Elliott, Russell Earl Sharpe, Shirley Rae Dingman, Alice Marie Dieterle, Margaret Ann Reyhl.
Bottom row: Mary E. Outwater, Virginia R. Nelson, George Willard Pierson, Robert T. Drake, Warren G. Cushing, Princ., H.T. Smith, Supt., Elsie E. Ebert, Beverly Ann Smith, Edward Birdsall, Carolyn Carusi.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
1880 Ruel Curtis
Mr. Ruel housed his operation sometimes in the basement of the Palmerton block and then sometimes on the second floor of the corner building at the northeast corner of North Grand and East Grand River avenues.
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Top row: George Harold Peckens, Kenneth C. Glenn, Edna Arlene Tomlin, Edward H. Russell, Ida Caroline Berglund, Frank L. Phillips, Mary June Hiner, Orvin L. Vyse, Dorothy J. Keeble, Robert H. Smith, Harold J. Bugard.
Second row: Barbar E. Kreitler, Mabel M. Gerecke, James J. Hughes, Bethel Jane Pierson, Wendell D. Douglass, Allen T. Elliott, Elizabeth L. Eaton, Harry Sorensen, Marion Berry, Clinton D. Skym, Gale D. Dillingham.
Third row: Frank M. Herbert, Dolores Irene Crofoot, Gaylord E. Copeland, Betty Gaynell Woods, Vice Pres., Virginia E. Sherwood, Treas., Clayton C. Fenton, Jr., Pres., Gladys E. Jones, Sec'y, George B. Horton, Marian E. Dey, Earl R. Flegel.
Fourth row: Kathleen Grover, Katherine A. Witt, Raymond B. Eisele, Grant G. Duncan, Henry R. Miller, John S. Bradley, Bernice A. Harris, Robert J. Schaumeski.
Bottom row: Roy A. Benson, Betty M. Hall, H.T. Smith, Supt., Warren A. Cushing, Princ., Vivian J. Boeve, Vance Munsell.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
1880 Brighton Argus
Volume 1, No., 1, of the Brighton Argus made its appearance one day last week. It is a five-column folio published by C.E. Placeway and is "chuck full" of local matter. May it live long and prosper.
Now, if there are any Star Trek fans out there, please take note "live long and prosper" was a phrase way back in 1880!
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Top row: Frances E. Gooding, Archibald H. Hooper, Victor Bernard Epley, Betty J. Faunce, Ernest D. Benjamin, Ellis Ray Canfield, George Milton Robb, Adelbert MacAfee Simpson, Walter P. Germain, Mary Edith Canfield, Delmar Duane Phillips, Marjorie House.
Second row: Stanley J. Hyst, Gerald Tomlin, Margaret Mary Witt, William E. Crofoot, Maurice Lound, Betty Mae Waters, Edgar D. Germain, Betty Jo Perkins, Donald H. MacKenzie, Corey A. Cheney, Harietta J. Sherwood.
Third row: Mary Helen Maleitzke, Jack H. Thompson, Clifford Roy Gerecke, Robert Crofoot, Mildred Jane Damman, Vice Pres., Glendon Laverne Pierson, Pres., Veta Lockwood, Treas., Evelyn L. Holcomb, Sec'y, Don C. Hart, Morion E. Briggs, Ruth E. Grant, June Hope Kelly.
Fourth row: George L. Eaton, Joyce Ellis Curtis, Arlene M. Jackson, James Mulvaney, Richard Ray Parsons, Robert E. McGuire, Betty B. Bravener, George J. Lucas, Wesley W. Mosher, Lillian Ann Pierson.
Bottom row: Robert Grose, Jean C. Munsell, Therlo Vincent Dean, Glendon Gerald Plummer, H.T. Smith, Supt., Warren G. Cushing, Princ., Dale T. Smock, Dewaine L. Hall, Robert C. Doherr, Robert E. Alexander.
Monday, October 24, 2011
1880 Barber Shop
Mr. Straws was the child of a freed slave, and he and his mother moved north after the Civil War ended. He opened his barber shop in 1873 and by 1880 was well-respected and busy. I'm fairly certain a barber shop was the perfect place to find out the latest gossip, real estate transfers, and hard luck/good luck stories.
In 1880, the Reason House (also known as the Commercial Hotel), a brick structure at the southwest corner of South Grand and West Grand River Avenue was newly completed two years after the "Independence Hall" wooden-building had burned to the ground. The following blurb showed up in the local paper:
Charley Straws has removed his barber shop to the basement of the Reason block, where he will be pleased to meet all his old customers and as many new ones as may see fit to call.
I also found the following article and am wondering if this is a relative of Charles Straws:
Scott Straws has opened a barber shop in the old stand. He will also give lessons on the guitar to a limited number of scholars. Those wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity should apply immediately.
Later in the year, The fame of Mr. Scott Straws, of this place, as a teacher on the guitar, is spreading far and near, he having had an application from Evanston, Ill. He was compelled to decline, however, as he now has all the pupils he can accommodate at home.
Any thoughts or information?
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Top row: Miriam S. Clark, Erleen Rossetter, Richard B. Buckley, Wayne J. Jackson, Mary E. Armstrong, James Sober, Arthur Peterson, Mary E. Bravener, James Grose, Betty Lou Redfield, John A. Breslin.
Second row: Dorothy M. Kuttler, B. Elma Kleinschmidt, Harding B. Dey, Charlot Sharpe, William M. Outwater, LaVerna I. Cheney, Don L. Bigelow, Lowell A. Allen, Noreen Pamment, Clyde R. Knapp, Julia G. Peckens.
Third row: Virginia L. Hall, Agnes I. Bessert, Rose Mary Curtis, Howard L. Marvin, Pres., Henry Robert Coffey, Vice Pres., Beulah G. Sabin, Sec'y, Ruth E. Sharpe, Treas., Paul M. Westmoreland, Harold M. Allen, Clifford H. Weeble.
Fourth Row: Devis E. Jackson, Dorothy E. Kunde, Leonard Blair, Marian L. Turner, Lyal Hall, Kathryn MacMillan, Ida Mae Cole, Betty Jean DeForest.
Bottom row: Donald E. Reyhl, Esther E. Herbert, H.T. Smith, Supt., Warren A. Cushing, Princ., Helen L. Jackson, Emma Maretta Ruttman.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
1877 R. Fowler & Company
R. Fowler & Co. received five crates of crockery a few days since, making the largest stock in the county.
Note the change in R. Fowler & Co's ad. They have an immense stock to select from and will guarantee quality and prices. They have a large and steadily increasing trade by square dealing and low prices.
R. Fowler & Co. offer you some good bargains in another column. They mean business. Go and see them.
As a side note, years later -- in particular between 1922 and 1924 -- while Grand River Avenue was being excavated and prepped for paving, rotted planks from the original plank road were dug up. In addition, the same happened in the late 1990s in Lansing in front of the Plymouth Congregational Church -- old planks were discovered and construction was halted until some of these could be excavated and taken away for historical purposes. Makes one wonder exactly how many other planks could be found -- with some major digging!
This ends a short series of 1877 information. Starting with the article tomorrow and for a few days, I will explore some 1880 scenarios. As I've mentioned before, if you are interested in a particular year -- especially 1875 to 1929 -- let me know and I will see what I can find.
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Second row: Betty J. Spalding, Anne Lonczak, J.C. Gehringer, Patricia Van Buren, Genevieve Lynn, Leonard R. Stone, Phyllis M. Dormire, James Clayton Wainwright, Evelyn Cook, Geo. J. Keeble, Vivian F. Turner, LaVerne O. Davis.
Third row: Doris M. Sharpe, Howard Soule, Jr., Irene M. Deyer, Bailey W. O'Dell, Henrietta C. Miller, Sec'y, Dorothy Rossetter, Treas., Lyle S. Vogt, Vice Pres., William Clark, Pres., Helen Donaldson, Stanley R. Sober, Russell D. Roberts, Thora Dietrich.
Fourth row: Janet Mulvaney, Freda Woolley, Ralph Benson, Clinton a. Melvin, Ruth Parsons, R. Jennie Zukowski, L.D. Dickerson, Doris L. Kingsley, Grant Haare, Jane Sutherland.
Bottom row: Julia Chodyko, Ernest W. Grostick, Dorotha J. Reyhl, Viola Marie Peterson, H.T. Smith, Supt., Warren G. Cushing, Princ., Earnest Palmer, Mary Ellen Grover, Clare Wayne Frye, Renna Jane Blackmer.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
1877 Unprincipled, Drunk, Destructive
A low-lived, unprincipled wretch, whose name we could give to the public if we chose, attempted an indecent assault upon the person of a young lady with whom he was out riding on Saturday evening last near the "Hogback." The cries of the young lady attracted the attention of some parties who were passing near by and he was thus prevented. No arrests have been made but it is hoped there will be and that he may be made to suffer the full penalty of the law.
It is not etiquette nowadays when one sees an intoxicated person to say that he is "drunk." You must say that he is suffering from the evil effects of an over-libation of an exhilarating beverage. We would prefer to say that he was suffering from the evil effects of an over potation of kill-at-forty rod old rye.
It is remarkable how the spirit of vandalism pervades the minds of some people. Last Sunday evening, just before the opening of the temperance meeting at the tent, two men shocked the sensibilities of those around them by showing their ill-bred bringing (cragging would be better) up. Immediately on sittingn down, their hands went into their trouser pockets and out came their jack knives, and they commenced cutting away at the seats with a zest that was worthy of a better cause. It is high time these individuals were sent to school and taught how to behave themselves.
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Top row: Isabel Reisch, Junior Vogt, Alice Lange, John Griffin, Harland Elliott, Dorothy Peckens, Marita Vaughn, Mary Erley, Glen Turner, Duane Westmoreland.
Second row: Chester Hall, Glydis Duncan, Mary Ann Franson, Burton Phillips, Joseph Robb, Leta Belle Pamment, Edith Glover, Mary Maleitzke, Alden Killinger, Isabel Munsell, Dorthea Hall.
Third row: Catherine Doherr, Beulah Dieterle, Robert Parsons, Grace Ruggles, Elda House, Patricia Carr, Andrew Linman, Fredrich Dillingham.
Fourth row: Lyle Grill, Olive Thomas, Donald Alexander, Clifford Sheills, Frank Simpson, Doris Anderson, Steve Sarisesany, Cleo Skym.
Fifth row: Marion Glenn, Ann Marie Mass, Arist Haist, Leo Skym, Patricia Snell, Else Mae Cook, Ilah Mae Briggs, Elda Cheney, Mary Devereaux, Howard Horton, Gerald Glover.
Bottom row: Robert Smith, Treas., Margaret Ann Munsell, Sec'y, W.A. Cushing, Princ., H.T. Smith, Supt., Lyle Peckins, Pres., Robert Munsell, Vice Pres.
Friday, October 21, 2011
2011 Silent Auction
A dinner will be served from 5 til 7, and for the four hours of the event, you can bid on silent auction items that have been donated for this cause. My company, m.c. design, inc., will have three items in the auction that are totally worthy of your bid!
So -- if you are looking for something to do this evening and a great way to help one of our own in this community, head to St. Agnes' and be a part of these important four hours.
1877 Photographers
Recently, one of my readers dropped off a handful of portraits -- some from this area and others a little farther afield -- and I have digitally photographed them and will eventually get them on this website. For now, I wanted to show at least one artistic print on the back of one of the portraits. Many of the studios created elaborate sketches -- this is probably the last showy. N.H. Cathcart, photographer, also printed beautiful class graduation announcements, some of which will also find their way to this website.
For now, following are a picture and two articles, of which were found in issues of The Fowlerville Review in 1877, of three photographers in the area:

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Top row: Pauline Sober, Ralph Becker, Virginia M. Addison, Theodore Dey, Audrey and Ardith Herbert, Alberta Abbott, Gale H. Tiedeman, Edna Bell, Matilda Doherr.
Second row: George H. Damman, Charles N. Benjamin, Temple A. Christian, Rosalie Hale, Isabel Titmus, Robert Maurer, Ellen Tomlin, Harold Eisele, Helen Lockwood, Ransom C. Clark, Mary Louise Kozut.
Third row: Harold Donaldson, Kendall D. Hoisington, Homer Boeve, Richard R. Reyhl, Richard Howlett, Pres., Heloise Douglass, Sec'y, Frank Ruttman, Marianna House, Isabel Sober, Nina Evans.
Fourth row: Perter A. Germain, Frankly Roby, A. James Spencer, Allison Snyder, George Dey, Vice Pres., Eleanor Maleitzke, Treas., Clayton G. Klein, Mavis Cheney, Charles Sober, George W. Monroe.
Bottom row: Lee Monroe, Lucille Worden, Junior Curtis, Don L. Peterson, H.T. Smith, Supt., Warren A. Cushing, Princ., Nina Wainwright, Geo. W. Ludtke, Klein Copeland, Doris Grant.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
2011 South Nicholson Road

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Top row: Harold Horton, Frances Finlan, Rebecca Huschke, Harold Robb, Hugh J. Munsell, Olis Sidell, Omelia Worden.
Second row: Doris Klein, Pauline Eckhart, Lucie Carusi, Edwin Glenn, Pres., Ely Cook, Vice Pres., William H. Munyon, Grace I. Berry, Margaret Calkins.
Third row: Dorothy Allen, Lorraine J. Bullis, Janice Howell, Sec'y, Janette Howell, Treas., Lester Jeffrey, Lawrence Turner.
Bottom row: Theodore Spaulding, Thomas G. Sharpe, H.T. Smith, Supt., L.W. Duncan, Princ., Edsel Roberts, John A. Grostick.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
2011 Farming Equipment

As I continue to read old articles, I'm reminded time and time again that this is a farming community -- maybe not as much as years gone by -- but still an agricultural community. Men living in the village made a living threshing for farmers. Holstein cows were plentiful and competitions held annually to grade these animals. As late at the 1930s, many villagers had mini-farms right in their backyards -- chickens, goats, pigs, and even a cow or two.
So I'm not really sure why I am surprised when I get behind a large piece of equipment and slowly parade through town. Is it possibly because it is so much bigger than what we are used to seeing? For sure, when it is right at the main four corners!
No matter, it is harvest time and I'm pretty sure there will be some more large farm equipment working its way through the village.
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Top row: Coralbell Cavanaugh, Julian Vogt, Helen G. Eckhart, Maxine Gehringer, James Shadko, Wyne Wilkinson, William Streeter, Irene Rockhold, Edmund H. Ferrin, Thelma H. Marr, Frances Fear.
Second row: Marian A. Kleinschmidt, Willis J. Duncan, Jr., Freda M. Worden, Eddie Wellman, Henry G. White, Roy Stone, Ralph Wainwright, Virginia Lange, Elaine Miner.
Third row: Martha H. Evans, Erve H. Anderson, Donald Dillingham, Shirley Sober, James W. Rocha, Pres., Russell O. Wright, Vice President, Eva M. Benjamin, George W. Wilkinson, William E. Alexander, Barbara J. Snyder.
Fourth row: Alice Keeble, Ralph W. Morlock, Louisa M. Saum, Robert H. Calkins, Treas., Eva E. Dingman, Sec'y, Silas E. Munsell, Elizabeth Anderson, Ardale L. Nickols.
Bottom row: Mary E. Kane, Tyrus Q. Snell, Wayne L. Miner, Mr. H.T. Smith, Supt., Mr. L.W. Duncan, Prin., Irene L. Becker, Marguerite Hendryx, Audreta Blair.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
1877 Hugh Loughlin Ad

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Top row: James Lucas, Bertha B. Raddatz, Edward Zimmerman, Lucille Parsons, Irene Saum, Carl M. Bessert, Earl Peckens, Loraine Grill, Myrle Monroe, Esther Kientz, Gerald Dailey.
Row two: Lorain Ward, Joe Berry, Gertrude Booth, Helen Calkins, Josephine Finlan, R.C. Zwinck, Duane Winegar, Thelma A. Rogers, Nellie Dunn, Esther Wilkinson.
Row three: Mary Carr, Nellie M. Duncan, Eleanor A. Turner, Charles A. Soule, Lillian R. Dillingham, Edith L. Benjamin, Howard Wright, Pearl I. Tuthill, Kendall E. Cook.
Fourth row: Helen F. Vogt, Oscar Shooter, Ernestine Doherr, Robert J. Epley, Treas., Ivan Richard, Pres., Virginia Sidell, Vice Pres., Mildred I. Roby, Sec., Romaine Carson, LaVerne K. Dibble, Rose Sober.
Bottom row: Kenneth S. Clark, Marjorie L. Dey, Lois Glenney, H.T. Smith, Supt., L.W. Duncan, Prin., Harold Sabin, Harry N. Dey, Shirley Buckley.
Monday, October 17, 2011
1877 Wooden Palmerton Block
Now that the Palmerton block is completed, it becomes our duty as the editor of a local paper to give a description of the building and a little history of its proprietor and occupants. Mr. Geo. W. Palmerton, the proprietor, we have spoken of before as having been one of the business men of Fowlerville in an early day in his history. He first commenced business as a notion dealer in the small building just east of the Review office, sometime during the year 18-- and from that time to the present day, by a strick attention to business, has been speedily rising and growing into favor with the public. Though Mr. Palmerton commenced on a very small scale, by his earnestness and untiring efforts, he has managed during these years to have one of the finest pieces of property in the county.
The new building is built of brick manufactured in Fowlerville, is three stories high and fronts 44 feet on Grand River street running back on Grand avenue 82 feet with two fronts on the latter named street, and a fine basement under the whole, half of which is reserved by Mr. Palmerton for his own use. The first floor is divided into three rooms. ONe, in the southeast corner, 22x34 is occupied by the private and enterprising banking firm of Gay & Ellsworth, and which for completeness in every point of taste and convenience cannot be beaten, being provided with a modern fire proof vault and a burglar-proof, time-lock chest. Next on Grand avenue comes the east entrance to Mr. Palmerton's general merchandise establishment, which also has an entrance from the south on Grand River street. In this spacious apartment of the building we find Mr. Palmerton located with a very large and varied assortment of dry goods, clothing, piece goods, hats and caps, boots and shoes, groceries, queensware and notions. The counters are very tastily built and finished up with black walnut tops, white fronts and cherry paneling with black walnut mouldings.
All the counters, except in the grocery department, have sunken showcases, the tops of which form the tops of the counters and prove to be a very tasty and convenient arrangement. The boot and shoe department occupies the space at the right of the east entrance and the dry goods the left as you pass around toward the south entrance, the store room being the shape of a T, while the south half of the west side is occupied by the hat, cap, clothing and piece goods department and the north half by the grocery department and between the two last named departments, immediately opposite the east entrance is a very neat and conveniently arranged office, which is occupied by Mr. Frank Palmerton as bookkeeper and teller. Frank has only recently risen to the dignity of this position and is fast coming into favor as a young man of promise into whose hands a good share of the business of his father's establishment is already entrusted.
Off the north-east corner is a neat room 20x22, which is occupied by Mrs. C.T. Power as a millinery and dress-making establishment, which is fitted up in such a neat and attractive style as to attract the passer's eye at once. The stock in this establishment is quite extensive and needs no comment from us to commend it to ladies of our village as a location where their wants can be satisfied to a T.
Access is gained to the second story by a spacious stairway leading up from Grand avenue between the bank and the east entrance to Mr. Palmerton's store. The east half of this floor is divided into four fine offices, each about 20 foot square, the one in the south-east corner, over the bank, being occupied by Dr. Walton's dental parlor. Another is occupied by Drs. A.S. and Geo. O. Austin and another by Prosecuting Attorney Cruickshank. The other remains unoccupied. The south room in the west half of the building will probably be reserved by Mr. Palmerton for his own use, and the one in the rear is now used by him as a queensware room. These rooms are each about 20x35 feet with a woodroom between the two. The third story is divided into three rooms, the two in the east half being each 22x35 feet. The one in the southeast corner is designed to be used as a public library room and the other remains yet unoccupied. The west half of this story which is reached by a separate stairway is fitted up and used by the Masonic and Odd Fellow fraternities as a hall and is one of the finest in this section of the state. The drafting and architectural work was done by Mr. J.V. Smith of Detroit. The carpenter work was superintended by Mr. L.H. Beebe of Pinckney, assited by his son Adelbert, R.H. Fowler, S.S. Abbott and brother, G.F. Harman and others of this village, all first-class workmen. The mason work, carpenter work and painting was done by the day and overseen by Mr. Palmerton himself, and shows an excellent exhibition of taste.
The cost of the building is estimated by Mr. Palmerton to be about $13,000.
This brick structure, so fully described by G.L. Adams of the local paper, was built after a devastating fire the year earlier that destroyed the wooden structure known as the Palmerton block. From the above, it would appear when this brick structure was destroyed by fire in 1891, the third Palmerton block was built with a similar floor plan as the above-described aptly shows how the building currently stands.
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Top row: Mildred R. Kunzelman, Kenneth C. Bunn, Ethel B. Miner, Duane E. Rouse, Ruth Casady, Russel A. Stowe, Clayton B. Damman, Mildred I. Elliott, Earl Knickerbocker, Jean I. Stowe.
Second row: Concetta Carusi, John E. Osborne, Raymond W. Johnson, Leslie H. Gallop, Beatrice L. Powell, Helen Utter, Robert Miller, Margaret M. Thrune, Hilda Joann Banks.
Third row: Ralph Patten, Rex W. Wilson, Agnes L. Gannon, Sec'y, Margaret Wines, V. Pres., John P. Shadko, Pres., Agnes Irene Patten, Treas., Donald J. DeForest, Ruth M. McGanley.
Bottom row: Nellie I. Sumner, Harry William Epley, Dora Irene Line, Mr. H.T. Smith, Supt., Mr. L.W. Duncan, Prin., Lucille Finlan, Woodrow F. Wilson, Irene Marie Douglass.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
1877 Local News Items
So, to begin with this new series of history lessons.
Following are some of the blurbs found in the local news section:
Col. H.F. Dean of West Cornwall, Vt., is in the village again with another lot of Spanish Merino ewes, 86 in number.
On New Year's evening every window of the new Palmerton block was illuminated, presenting a very handsome appearance.
'Schofield's Comedy Company' will make a short tour of the villages in this vicinity after which they will again open up in this village.
Curtis & Co. have opened a picture store in the building recently occupied by Geo. W. Palmerton. They have a magnificent stock of beautiful chromes which they are selling at private sale and auction. It will be worth your time to drop in and take a look at them if you do not wish to buy.
Chas. Schofield has opened a barber shop in the building occupied by his father as a gun shop.
John McLeod hung out a new sign in the shape of a boot in front of his shoe shop on Thursday.
A sleigh load of 'colored individuals,' from Howell, paid Chas. Straws a visit on Wednesday evening.
The Detroit Lansing & Northern Michigan R.R. has prohibited all passengers from riding on their freight trains between Detroit and Ionia.
There will be a donation visit and oyster supper held at John Elliott's cheese factory in Iosco, tonight, for the benefit of Rev. L.L. Haughton.
We have made arrangements for a correspondant from Washington, who after next week will keep our readers posted as to the doings in that city.
The Good Templars of Howell will give an oyster supper at their hall one week from tomorrow evening (January 27th). A good time will be had and all are invited.
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Top row: Virginia Ludtke, Anna M. Simpson, Willis Armstrong, Marguarite M. DeForest, Ruth N. Simpson, M. Hope Killinger, James E. Duncan, Clifford Marr, Orpha H. Killinger, Wilmont Peckens.
Second row: Kathleen B. Risch, Bertha H. Risch, Elsa Mae Grover, Hazel L. Sober, Anna L. Gehringer, Vice Pres., Garth Sherwood, Pres., Wayne Peterson, Harry W. Gibson, Frank Westmoreland, Doris H. Horton.
Third row: Maurine Howell, Vena McDaniels, June Carr, Hope Carr, Dorothy Eckhart, Sec'y, Doris Wendel, Treas., Covert I. Flucks, Mary Lou Marr, Gae Westmoreland, Loren Tuthill.
Bottom row: Geraldine S. Soule, Doris Monroe, Grant DeForest, Arnold Zwinck, H.T. Smith, Sup't., L.W. Duncan, Prin., Mary Finlan, Viola I. Klein, Doris R. Powell, Fern Munsell.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
1897 Fire Brands
A.J. Beebe and A.J. Hams now occupy the T.R. Shields residence.
Postmaster Curtis had the whole outfit packed ready for a hasty removal.
Nearly every man and woman in Fowlerville is a whole fire protection in themselves.
J.C. Ellsworth removed all his portable property from his bank to a place of safety.
The editor swallowed more smoke than was good for him and was pretty badly used up on Monday.
Judge Cole had just put out a little fire at his home all alone with his family when the alarm sounded for the big fire.
Daniel VanRiper was overcome by the heat and smoke and was taken home. He was able to attend to business on Monday.
The congregations came from the churches, in their best clothes, headed by their respective ministers and all worked with a will.
A piece of glass fell from one of the opera house windows just as W.M. Horton was passing along and cut quite a hole in his scalp.
Someone, whose name we have been unable to learn, had their moustache burned off by the bursting of the flames from the building.
The south wall of the Pullen building has been pronounced unsafe and Clyde Pullen, who occupied the living rooms above, has moved into the Henry Bristol house.
A week later,
Many laughable incidents took place in connection with the fire. One man rushed into this office with a bushel basket and wanted to turn all the type into the basket and carry it away to a place of safety. Another man came downstairs from the Pullen block with a cuspidor and deposited it carefully in the middle of the road. Another man gently tossed a lot of crockery from the second story window out upon the sidewalk, and yet the only thought of any one was to do good and help save the property.
After it was noted, M.H. Pullen will take down the south wall of his store, which was damaged by the recent fire, and rebuilding a heavier wall, talk was then at a zenith for better fire protection,
A map of the plan for water works in this village has been hanging in the post office for a few days past. We do not know the object of its being placed there, but we hope it will create a desire for that kind of fire protection upon the part of the people. With a few changes, it looks as though the plan would give good service, and from the figures upon it indicates the cost of its adoption to be about $15,000.
By the following year, a fire protection company had been organized by the village.
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Friday, October 14, 2011
1897 Scorcher
The residents of the village were very ably aided by the friends fromn the country who heard the alarm and dropping everything came to the village and worked as hard and faithful as any to put out the fire and save the property of those in danger and we can assure them their efforts were fully appreciated and their kindness will not be forgotten.
The rooms which were occupied by Mr. Beebe were very fine and elegantly furnished and all the family pictures, books and keepsakes together with their clothing were destroyed and of course no money value could be placed upon them. Mr. Hams also lost nearly all his household goods and effects only having the clothing they wore.
Mr. Beebe places his loss on the buildings, including his barn in the rear of the stores which burned and on his stock and household furniture at $12,000 and on which he carried an insurance of $8,400.
Mr. Hams was taken completely by surprise and could only express his feelings by bursting into tears, which spoke more eloquent than words.
The editor of this paper cannot find words to express his feelings towards those who so kindly assisted in moving the contents of the office when danger threatened the building and also in replacing them in the building again after the danger had passed, and the heroic efforts put forth in saving the building, especially to W.H. Peek for kindness rendered in the removal of the type.
Tomorrow's post will note some of the aftereffects of this 1897 fire in the Beebe block.
Squint Shot 101411

Top row: Clarence F. Allen, Wilfred M. Crawford, Delilah E. Tobin, Gertrude Rathbun, Glenn Sopp, Eileen E. Mulvaney, Harold E. Milett.
Second row (only four): Marian D. Peterson, Ruth Sovuny, Lehman J. Eaton, Josephine L. Johns.
Third row: Ruby B. Munsell, Selma S. Hendryx, Alden A. Stowe, Mr. H.D. Douglass, Supt., Shirley I. Robb, Doris Elliot Hedican, Jeanette Duncan.
Fourth row (only four): F.C. Jewell, Jr., Eda A. Bessert, V. Pres., Arthur Haist, Pres., Russell H. Copeland.
Fifth row: Donald I. Lockwood, Mabel M. Daly, Barbara W. Peek, Otto G. Fineout, Reita E. Bunn, Cecil F. Curtis.
Sixth row (only four): Geraldine L. Benjamin, Edna L. Haist, Sec., Amy E. Coffey, Treas., Ardis S. Knickerbocker.
Bottom row: Esabell M. Christian, Dorothy E. Griffin, Robert H. Plass, Mr. L.W. Duncan, Prin., Edward E. Joslin, Leora D. Walter.
The class composite was taken care of in Ypsilanti, Michigan, by 75 Camp Publishing Co.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
1904 Rowdiness
So now the fun comes when I open the notebook to any page, scroll down to see what catches my fancy, and add it to The Fowlerville Observer. Today's is an article published in the local paper about A Bad Scare at the eastern edge of town:
Last Monday evening, our village marshall received a telephone message from a resident in the eastern limits of the village to the effect that someone was disturbing the peace by pacing up and down the road and firing a revolver or some other shooting iron at random and that something might happen if anyone should get in range of the bullets. The marshall accordingly looked up a man to get out to the field of action and found Henry Kuehnle with his horse and carriage, who ddrove him over to the scene. They arrived in a short time, but found all quiet, and the gentleman who had telephoned for assistance (who lives just on the east line of the corporate limits of the village) together with his son out reconnoitering to find the culprit who was making all of the disturbance. They informed the marshall that the last hearing of the firing was near Ed. Barnard's, so Mr. Eldridge cautiously covered the ground along the road to Mr. Barnard's residence, where he inquired as to whether he had heard the shooting, and was informed that all the bombarding he had any knowledge of was that of a toy pistol which his son had been firing in intervals. Mr. Eldridge then returned to the frightened resident and informed him that he thought it would be safe for the family to retire to peaceful slumbers as they were entirely out of danger.
Although E.A. is an old veteran and has passed through many fusilades of shot and shell, we hope that this incident will not have a telling effect upon his nerves.
And thus ends this tale.
As mentioned, my notebook is by year so if you are looking for something specific and you know the approximate year -- particularly from 1874 to 1930 -- please contact me and I will see if I have anything. From 1930 to 1972, The Fowlerville Review can be found on microfilm but I have not gone through those years quite as thoroughly. If you ever decide to do some of your own research, the ladies at the Howell library are so very helpful.
Squint Shot 101311

Top row (including two that dip down a bit): Genevieve Hendryx, Louise Coon, Helen Blank, Donald Miner, Wilbert Wilson, Leah Chase, Kenneth Chappel, Celia Hufman, Marvin Monroe, Romine Hamilton.
Second row (including two that dip down a bit): Lilah Chase, Margaret Cossoss, Beulah Mitchell, Mr. H.D. Douglass, Supt., Ernestine Crofoot, Mr. I.W. Duncan, Princ., Gertrude Grover, Matt Dillingham, Marian Levine.
Third row (including two that dip down a bit): Maurine Vaughn, Hilda Beck, Marguerite Vaughn, Mary Bradley, Vice Pres., Fred Huschke, Pres., Elizabeth Clack, Russell Royce, Nellie Dunn.
Bottom row: Morrell Buckley, Katherine Book, Aileen Armstrong, Mildred Milett, Sec., Virginia Bell, Treas., Clair Miller, Earl Luce, Arden Killinger.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
1895 Parshallville Map

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
1895 Pettysville Map
While driving through this area, it does make for a nice "Sunday" drive. There are large trees, some water, old and newer homes mixed in together, and an old church and cemetery just west of the southwest corner of Pettsyville and Swarthout roads.

Tomorrow, Parshallville.
Squint Shot 101111

Top row: Benjamin Newton, Ruth Klein, Wayland Richter, Arthur Judd, Gretchel Williams, Muleff Judd,
Second row: Dorothy Eisele, Irene Eisele, Clesson Allen, Alta Hoagland, Anthony Wines, June Curtis, Marian Graham,
Third row: Lena Fear, Carson Allen, Gertrude Gannon, Alice Eaton, Josephine Gehringer, Thelma Horton, Lorraine Liverance, Lottie Bushnell,
Fourth row (curves upward): Arleen Kent, Ida Anderson, Charles Fields, Ledyard Adams, Emma Munsell, Vera Munsell,
Fifth row: Mollie Miller, Martha Hart, Mr. Duncan, Principal, Mr. Douglass, Superintendent, Ella Bessert, Sidney Ferrin,
Bottom row: Margaret Watters, Lesley Hoyt, Leona Redfield, Harold Ludtke, Leo Rogers, Caroline Wooden, Ethel Hurley, Danielle Wheeler.
Monday, October 10, 2011
1895 Fleming Map
Fleming, quite often now called Six Corners, is halfway between Fowlerville and Howell. It has gotten its name as Six Corners due to three roads intersecting.
A few things of interest to note are:

1) Fleming used to have a post office,
2) A church is noted, the building of which may well be the one standing in the southeast section,
3) Across Grand River Avenue from the church a house is shown. I am not sure that one still stands but the school noted to the northwest of that still does. It was the Fleming School and has been renovated and now used for history lesson field trips for students.
4) At the very corner just west of the school, the post office and a store are noted; neither of which exist.
Tomorrow there will be another map from the 1895 atlas.
Squint Shot 101011

Top two corners: Clair Rathbun and Rudolph Royce,
Top curved row: Marion Miner, Anna Novara, Ward Stowe, Mr. Leo Huff, Superintendent, Mr. Geo. Freed, Principal, Lawrence Kuehn, Ellen Redfield, and Marguerita Miller,
Second curved row: Max Dyer, Ione Carr, Irene Benjamin Treas, James Eisele, Vice President, Garth Gee, President, Anna Dillingham, Secretary, Inez Buckley, and Glenn Armstrong,
Two center students: Anna Converse and Aiden Tomion, and
Bottom row: Irene Casady, Clarence Sharp, Marie Dyer, Myrtle Fuller, Thelma Keppen, Carleton Chase, and Josephine Bristol.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
1937 Hi-Speed Advertisement

The history of the corner since that time has included numerous brands of gas stations -- including Hi-Speed, Pure, and 76 -- and was used as a car repair location, a sales lot for used cars, and even vendors have used that corner. Mr. B's and Whenever Weinnies have sold food at that corner. It is now used annually for the village's Christmas tree, where the lights are lit the first Saturday of December at the culmination of the yearly parade and arrival of Santa Claus.
For more information on the Commercial Hotel and/or Reason House, you can always search this blog by typing those words in the "Search" capability at the upper left hand corner of the home page.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
1936 Advertisements
Spag's, located for so many years in the northeast quadrant, having both a wholesale storefront and a retail spot --

Friday, October 7, 2011
1945 Home Tavern
The John Gilully Post #114 rock can also be seen at the northeast corner of the next block. It still stands.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011
1940 Home Tavern

Squint Shot 100611
Top row: Howard Canfield, Gladys Fields, Warren Chase, William Reyhl, Olive Klein, C.G. Sopp.
Second row: Lyle Munsell, Lena Haarer, Clay Nicholes, Thelma Defendorf, Floyd Burley.
Third row: Alice Cole, Mildred Roof, Virginia Gale, Grace Raddatz.
Fourth row: Lucile House, NaVorna Betterly, Clara Buck.
Fifth row: Roscoe Hoyt, Alex Ellsworth.
Teacher: Idalene Webb.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
1906 Bell Opera House
The Bell opera house continues to be a fascination for me as well as others interested in the history of Fowlerville. Anyone reading this website will know the Bell opera house was located above what is now Olden Days and the north half of Maria's School of Dance. If you look up to the second floor of those two storefronts, the first seven windows starting at the north edge southward encompasses what used to be the Bell opera house.
There were two stairways up to the second floor. Just to the north of Olden Days there is a wooden door that, when opened, leads upstairs. The other staircase is no longer accessible, which was located at the south side of the opera house. Part of that staircase still exists on the second floor but it is blocked off and the rest of the staircase, at ground level, was removed in the early 1950s when Curtis Groceries expanded in that location.
The history is long and varied for this meeting room, but finding the above blurb that was published in the local paper adds another piece to that puzzle. If you are interested in reading more about the opera house, you can search for more on this website (search box in the upper left hand corner) or meet me at the historical collection every first or third Tuesday at 9:00 in the Council Chambers and we can check out Richard Hutchins' research on this opera house.
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