1879 Bush Death Notice
I found the above death notice for Mrs. Hannah Bush to be particularly interesting once I read the part, "when there was but one house in Fowlerville, and only a few houses in the township." That line sent me searching through some early lists of residents where I found a Mr. Richard P. Bush and a John Bush on the first tax assessment rolls of 1838 for Handy Township.Richard P. Bush bought 80 acres in section 1, worth $240. He also served as township clerk in 1838 and 1841, then becoming a Justice of the Peace in 1842. He replaced Ralph Fowler, after he had resigned this position.John Bush bought 46 acres in section 2, worth $138. There was also a Charles Bush in the anecdotal information but I didn't find anything else, although I did find this article published in The Fowlerville Review in 1879:
So, who was she married to for 40 years? And what must it have been like to move to this area and see only one house?
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