Saturday, August 27, 2011

1883 Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Walton

In compliance with invitations issued a few days since, about 125 persons gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Walton to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their married life, a goodly portion of which has been spent in their pleasant home in this village, where they have acquired a vast number of warm friends, the above number being represented in person, while a very large number being unable to be present were handsomely represented by beautiful presents. All present proceeded to enjoy themselves until about ten o'clock when refreshments were served, consisting of coffee, ham sandwiches, pressed chicken, many and various kinds of cake and ice cream, the quality of which was plainly showed by Mrs. Walton's thirty years experience in housekeeping had not gone for naught, and it is almost useless to add that the company did ample justice to the viands. After refreshments were partaken of, Mr. and Mrs. Walton were escorted to the parlor, where Mr. A. Dodge, in behalf of the company, presented the bride and groom with an elegant set of silverware, ice pitcher and all complete, a handsome bread and milk set and a beautiful large album, which was responded to in behalf of the recipients by Mr. F.H. Warren in his happy manner. Theh company continued to make merry until a late hour when they bade the genial couple good night, each wishing them a long and prosperous life and hoping that if they should live for thirty years to come each year might be as pleasant as the past. The worthy couple vowed that of all the years that had past and gone they should look upon that occasion as the pleasantest of them all.

The above article was published in The Fowlerville Review.

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