Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1926 Good Summer for Gehringer

The summer of 1926 was very good for Charley Gehringer.  During those few months, at least two blurbs showed up in the local newspaper, The Fowlerville Review, to the hometown fans' delight:   

But, by winter, he was working a second job:
The average salary for a player in the mid-1920s was $5,000, with the highest salary upwards of $20,000.  If Gehringer received the average salary, it would have gone a long ways but probably not far enough, making it necessary for him to supplement his income during the off-season.

Following are some average cost of living prices in the mid-1920s:

Loaf of bread - .09
Gallon of milk - .56
A dozen eggs - .44
Medium-sized house - $7,800
Average style car - $265, and
A gallon of gas cost .22.

1 comment:

Mike Grimm said...

On the other hand, $5000 in 1926 was equal to $62,800 in 2011. That was a pretty good salary back then.

If I recall, my great-great grandfather (Charlie's dad) died in 1924, and I think Charlie may have been helping to support his mom back in Fowlerville.