Saturday, January 19, 2013

1927 Tigers on a Roll

August, 1927, the Detroit Tigers were on a 13-game winning streak -- and some of it was most probably due to Charley Gehringer's superb playing ability.  Fowlerville residents continued to attend games to cheer on their hometown star. 
An additional article in early fall of 1927 read:

Charlie Gehringer, the Fowlerville ball player with the Detroit Tigers and whose first season as a regular has been watched with much interest here, was paid a nice compliment by the Detroit News a few days ago.  The News said that Gehringer was the outstanding star of the whole group of infielders of the Tiger line-up.

Now, here's a bit of trivia -- can anyone tell me how Gehringer has been recognized locally since 2008?


Anonymous said...

They named the street that goes to Walmart after him.

Childproofing Murfreesboro said...

Great post, thankyou