1849 Plat Map by Amos Adams
In 1849, Amos Adams, County Surveyor, completed a plat map for the initial land-divide for the village. This first picture shows a portion of the entire page as follows: A Plat of Fowlerville in the Township of Handy Livingston County, Michigan. Surveyed by Amos Adams County Surveyor, These lots contain 1/5th of an acre each, except Nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, 24, & 25, which contain 1/10 each. Scale 2 chains to an inch.
The next picture shows the entire plat, with north at the top of the page. At that time, North Grand Avenue was known as Mill Street and South Grand Avenue was known as merely South Street.
What follows is the description, which is then transcribed (shown below) as best as I could possibly decipher it.
Transcribed as follows: On this Seventh day of November A.D. one thousand eight hundred and forty nine before me a Rotary Public in and for said County personally came, Ralph Fowler and Mary Fowler his wife proprietors of the West half of the South West quarter of Section Eleven and the East half of the South East quarter of Section number Ten (10) in Fowlerville Number ___ __(?) North of _______ (?) Number (3) thrice East and acknowledged that they have signed & executed the amended map or plat of a part of said lands as their free act and elect & declare that the streets represented upon Said Map which are four Rods in width running North two degrees West except Grand River Street which bears easterly & westerly crossing Mill Street & South Street at right angles Shall be and remain open for the use of the Public as laid out on Said Map. And Mary Fowler wife of the Said Ralph Fowler being examined by me Separate and apart from her Said Husband She acknowledged that she executed the above instrument freely and without any fear or compulsion from anyone Given under my hand & Seal the day and year above written. W.C. Rumsey (seal) Rotary Public Livingston Co. Michigan Recorded Nov 7th AD 1849 at 6:06 PMAnd the last shot shows what appears to be Ralph and Mary Fowler's signature, although there is no way to be certain unless I can find out was "L.S." stands for -- "Legal Signature" maybe?
1 comment:
Outstanding entry m.c.design. This plat map really shows the humble beginnings of the village. I wonder how many buildings were already standing when the plat was surveyed?
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