Wednesday, August 31, 2011
1898 The Sabins
Mr. and Mrs. Bently Sabin passed the 65th anniversary of their married life on Saturday of last week, Dec. 10. There are very few couples that have lived so many years together and that have enjoyed so much happiness in each other's society as this worthy couple. May many more years be added to their calendar.
Two years later,
The following sketch of the life of Mrs. Bently Sabin, who died at her home in Conway, Jan. 1, is published by request of her relatives, as written by her own hand.~~ Editor
July 1, 1893.
Thinking it would be well to write a little for my children to read when I am gone, I will just give a little sketch of my life. I was born in Batavia court house, Genesee county, N.Y., Sept. 27, 1815; when ten years old came to Michigan, with my parents; settled in East Bloomfield, Oakland county; resided there until 1833; was married to Bently Sabin Dec. 10 -- it will be 60 years next December -- it seems a long period; came to Livingston county in 1838; settled on the farm we now live on; have lived here ever since except eight years we lived in Fowlerville, and one year in the state of New York. I was the mother of six children, four of whom are still living.
In my earlier years, I united with the Universalist church until I began to investigate the subject of spiritualism and like many others became satisfied those we mourned as dead still lived. I found in the spiritual philosophy what the doctrins of the church failed to give, a positive assurance of a continued existence. I look upon death as a blessing; my home is my heaven, and my children's voices is music in my own.
Oh, beautiful philosophy and religion is a God given gift to man; it smooths the rough paths of life to its weary travelers, wipes the tears from the cheeks of those who mourn, robs death of its sting and the grave of its victory.
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Mary A. Benjamin, b. Sept. 5, 1853, d. May 22, 1939.

Charles L. Benjamin
Charles L. Benjamin, after a rather brief illness, succumbed to the common enemy of all mankind at his home in this village on Tuesday morning.
He was born in the township of Conway, Livingston county, December 4, 1869, and he has spent his life in this vicinity. He was married July 4, 1871, to Miss Mary A. Sherwood, and after a few years spent in Conway, he sold his farm there and purchased a home in this village where he resided until death claimed him. He was the father of two sons, Arthur and Ernest, both of whom, with the sorrowing wife, survive him.
He was a strong advocate of the temperance cause and took an active part against the saloons. He had a fine voice and was a member of a team that traveled the state in the interest of the temperance cause and Good Templarism, of which he was an active member for years. He was also a member of the K.O.T.M. and was an official in the local order for several years.
The funeral services will be held at the home on Friday afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. Ira Smith.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
1880 Music Teacher
Mrs. Lewis is a customer of ours that uses an exceptionally high grade of music for her classes and we can recommend her as one understanding all the requirements of the position offered her in your church. Sincerely yours, Charles Bobzin & Co.
The Lockwood Exchange was, as many may know from reading this blog, was a wooden structure that stood on South Grand. Twenty-five years later, it would burn to the ground -- most likely due to a kitchen/grease fire -- and a brick structure would replace it. That building still stands across from Curtis Grocery.
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Monday, August 29, 2011
1881 Disgraceful Doings
On Thursday evening of last week, several of "the boys," composed of S.S. Westcott, F.H. Starkey, R. Curtis, T. Shields, Dan. Fisher, and A.C. Jefferson, of this place, and one Hugh Elliott, of Brighton, started in for a "good time" and if the thing had been confined to themselves, it would have passed along with but a passing condemnation from the better-minded citizens; but as is usual in such cases, the thing did not end until an inoffensive innocent citizen had been maltreated and made to suffer from their pranks which not only disgraced themselves but the fair name of our village, doing a deed which aroused the indignation of every fair-minded person, not only in the village but in its immediate vicinity. At about ten o'clock, Mr. J.L. Newkirk, foreman of this office -- an estimable young man who bears the very best reputation, who always minds his own business and was never known to have any trouble of any kind before -- accompanied by Mr. B.L. Walker, also an employee of this office and of the same stamp of character, finished their work at the office -- being a little late in working off the Review last week -- and went down to the meat market of Pulver & Flanders, where some of the boys were to meet to talk over a drama they were intending to put upon the boards, and hearing some loud noise at the Spencer House, about ten rods from the market, they, accompanied by Ed. Flanders, started and walked down there and stood upon the steps talk with Miss Emma Spencer when S.S. Westcott came out and grabbed hold of Mr. Newkirk, saying, "come in here you s-- of a b----." Newkirk told him to let go of him for he was not going in there. Westcott still insisted and tried to take him into the house when they began to tussle and both went down in the mud, Newkirk striking on top. He then broke away from Westcott and started and ran across the street, the rest of the party coming out of the hotel and gave chase. Upon reaching the opposite side of the street, he halted and Fisher, Jefferson and others came up to him, Ed. Flanders taking hold of Fisher and telling him to stop. Newkirk was going to explain to him what the trouble was when Fisher struck him in the face, knocking him insensible, and to all appearances dead, in which condition he remained for some time. Flanders told Fisher he had killed him and he exclaimed, "let the s-- of a b---- die." He was taken to the hotel and Dr. Mead summoned, who succeeded in restoring consciousness. Fisher was arrested upon complaint of Ed. Flanders and his trial is set down for Thursday. It is expected others will be arraigned as soon as his case is disposed of. We have given this article considerable space because the facts could not be given in a shorter space. The above are the facts in the case as it is given to us by several of the eye witnesses. It is but justice to Mr. Spencer to add that the brawl did not happen at his hotel, as he does not keep liquors of any kind.
A week later:
It is but justice to all parties concerned in the disturbance of two weeks ago to state that the injury to Mr. Newkirk was entirely healed, that none but the best of feelings extended between all parties and that it is deeply regretted by those participating. It was an unfortunate happenstance unsought and unlooked for, lease of all by the parties concerned.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
1896 Fisk Murder Inquest
Frank E. Fisk was found dead in the road about 30 rods south of Russel's corners in the township of Marion on Thursday evening, August 29, about a quarter past nine o'clock. As there had been some threats made against his life by some man in Marion -- in connection with some other young men who had been playing tricks upon the man -- after his body was brought to the residence of Mrs. C.T. Power of this village, where his sister, Miss Jennie Haws, resides, it was thought best by the prosecuting attorney to hold an inquest and obtain as near as possible the facts in the case. A jury was summoned by Justice Glenn and in substance the following facts were brought to light:
Mr. Fisk was at work for Mr. Thomas Ross, in the township of Marion and on Thursday afternoon, August 29, had taken a load of cucumbers to the pickle factory at Pinckney. On returning, he stopped at the residence of a neighbor near where he was found and left some groceries that he had purchased for them at Pinckney. He then started on toward home and about one-half hour later was found nearly dead in the road not many rods from the house. The team stood by the side of the road in a clump of willows nearly 80 rods from where Fisk was found. The harness on one horse was broken and the bridle off and the horse had the appearance of having been down. There were several places on both horses where the skin was knocked off and one spoke was broken out of the front wheel and the front end-board of the new wagon box was splintered up.
While they were unhitching the team, they heard Fisk say, "Oh my God," and going down the road found him laying with his head in the wagon track and a large pool of blood. The ground was very stony where he was found.
Just after Fisk had left Russel's, where he left the groceries, a man who was at work for Russel heard a team trotting down the road very fast and he heard him call out "whoa" three times and he thought the team stopped.
Drs. Abel S. Austin, Arthur S. Austin, of this place, and W.C. Spencer of Howell, held a post mortem examination and testified before the jury as having found various wounds and marks upon the head and body, one being a fracture of the back of the skull and a consequent depression of the skull upon the brain and that the immediate cause of his death was hemorrage caused by the above wound. They could express no opinion as to what caused the fracture.
Fisk was lying upon his back in the road when found and breathed only a few times after they put him in the wagon to take him to the house. He did not speak after they found him.
The man who had made the threats did not live within two miles of the place where Fisk was found and there was not a particle of evidence of anything only an accident, in consequence of which the jury composed of the following gentlemen, G.L. Adams, E.P. Randall, Bert Barnard, H. Converse, Norris Miner and John Haws, rendered the following verdict:
That the said Frank E. Fisk came to his death in the township of Marion, county of Livingston, on the 29th day of August, 1880, at about 9 o'clock p.m. by some accident, to the jury unknown, while driving a team. The immediate cause of his death being hemorrage from a fracture of the skull received during the said accident.
He was born in this township, October 28, 1826 and had always been a resident of this county and the most of his life had been spent in this township. The funeral services were held at the M.E. church on last Sabbath morning and were largely attended. The remains were interred in the Coughran cemetery.
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Elizabeth A. Wilhelm, b. Nov. 17, 1855, d. Aug. 28, _________.

As I did not want to disturb any flowers or memorials, some of the dates for the Wilhelms cannot be figured out. If anyone would like to add that information, it would be appreciated.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
1883 Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Walton
The above article was published in The Fowlerville Review.
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Friday, August 26, 2011
1880 J.C. Ellsworth
John C. Ellsworth, leader of the Fowlerville Cornet Band, has just purchased a beautiful new white ivory, silver-keyed claronet. It was manufactured in New York and contains all the latest improvements, there being but four like it in the world. It was made at a cost of $85.
He was also in the news for other items that same year. The house spoken of still stands, a large two-story house just north of the community park and a little bit south of the Family Impact building. The article follows:
J.C. Ellsworth has the walls up for anice dwelling-house on his "farm," just north of the village. S.S. Abbott has the job, which is a guarantee that it will be a good one.
Even his health issues were reported on:
J.C. Ellsworth has been suffering for the past few days with a "Job's comforter" on his upper lip. And, J.C. Ellsworth resumed business at the bank counter again on Monday, after a week's illness.
I went looking for the definition of "Job's comforter" but it didn't have anything to do with someone's upper lip. The only thing I could come up with was "a person who, in trying to offer help or advice, says something that simply adds to the distress." If anyone is familiar with another definition, would love to have you leave a comment.
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Martha Hoag, b. Apr. 17, 1851, d. Nov. 22, 1926.

I came across a "Letter From Wounded Boy," published in The Fowlerville Review toward the end of World War I, and I am wondering if this may have been their son. It follows:
France, Sept. 5, 1918.
Dear mother and father -- I just received your letter of May 31, to-day and am trying to answer it. I am well and feeling fine. Am out of the hospital and back once more doing duty. Have been transferred to the 409 Telegraph Rn. Am more contented now that I have heard from you. I also received five other letters, two from Gladys, one from Fred Williams, one from Della Layman and one from Hazel Hoag, a way distant cousin of mine in Iowa. She saw my name in the paper and wrote me a letter and her ancestors came from York state from where pa did so I take it that she is a distant cousin at any rate.
Now please don't worry as I am all O.K. and enjoying myself. I am glad you folks are all well and when I return there will be an extra one in the family and I am sure it will be a happy reunion. I know you would like to have me come home and tell my experiences but I am going to stay till it is all over and peace is signed.
Well, mother tell them all that I think of everyone during the day.
Now I must close and go to bed,
Your loving son,
Theodore G. Hoag
Thursday, August 25, 2011
1893 Trivia
Twenty-Five Years Ago~~
Ladies wore bustles.
Operations were rare.
Nobody swatted the fly.
Nobody had seen a silo.
Nobody had appendicitis.
Nobody wore white shoes.
Nobody sprayed orchards.
Cream was 5 cents a pint.
Most young men had "livery bills."
Cantaloupes were muskmelons.
You never heard of a "tin Lizzie."
Doctors wanted to see your tongue.
Milk shake was a favorite drink.
Advertisers did not tell the truth.
Nobody cared for the price of gasolene.
Farmers came to town for their mail.
The hired girl drew one-fifty a week.
The butcher "threw in" a chunk of liver.
Folks said pneumatic tires were a joke.
Nobody "listened in" on the telephone.
There were no sane Fourths nor electric meters.
Strawstacks were burned instead of baled.
Punishing a country newspaper was not a business.
People thought English sparrows were "birds."
Jules Verne was the only convert to the submarine.
For the fun of it, think of today's modern world, over a hundred years later, and consider what is different yet still the same for some of these items. And if we look back 25 years, we didn't have the internet and this blog did not exist!
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Helen Grover, 1857-1937.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
1918 Gates Photography

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Agness H. Smith, b. Oct. 1, 1856, d. Dec. 22, 1916.

Through all the articles I have gone through, these are a couple more names unfamiliar to me. If anyone would like to add information, that would be great.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
1858 Marietta Johnson
Mrs. J. Palmerton received a telegram from Los Angeles, Cal., that her niece, Mrs. Henry Kelso, died at her home at that city. Miss Marietta Johnson was born in this village about 58 years ago and later went west with her parents. Her mother died when she was a girl and she came here and lived with her grandfather, Ralph Fowler, until her marriage with Mr. Kelso. She leaves a husband and three sons. The remains were brought to Detroit last week for cremation.
This blurb was quite interesting to me for a couple of reasons:
1) For those working on any kind of genealogy, I would imagine tidbits like this become a real find in charting the path of a family tree, and
2) Ralph Fowler's name popped up long after he was gone; having passed away in 1887. It would appear, as well as being very generous and a smart businessman by donating land and funds to help settle this area, he was a man who took care of family when needed.
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Ella R. Fisher, b. July 8 (?), 1831 (?), d. Dec. 31, 1919 (?).
In 1918, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Bert Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Lansing, and Mrs. Charles Ogden of Grosse Pointe, were called here Saturday to attend the funeral of J.D. Fisher.
Monday, August 22, 2011
1916 Ford Garage
R.T. Sprague has purchased the old livery barn and lot of G.W. Reason and will tear down the old barn and erect a fine brick garage, 66x120. This takes another old firetrap off Grand River street and will add greatly to the appearance of the block.
This was the beginning of the Ford garage, which still stands. R.T. Sprague, who had recently married Ada Cole, was quickly becoming a successful businessman in the village, selling the latest and greatest Ford automobiles. A few weeks later,
The old livery barn which has stood on its present location for over 35 years is being razed to the ground and will make way for the new Sprague garage. This will make a marked improvement in the appearance of that section of Grand River street.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
1863 Wilson Hildreth

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Josie E. Steiner, b. Dec. 25, 1875, d. May 19, 1917.
At this point, there are no obituaries for Mr. and Mrs. Steiner, but the following blurbs found in The Fowlerville Review in 1914:
Fred Steiner and wife, Ila Atkins, Clyde Wimbles and wife, Lemuel Hedican and wife and Otto Steiner of Fowlerville, and stephen Hadly, wife and daughter, Marion, of Gregory, spent Sunday recently with their brother, Eugene Steiner and family of Chelsea.
Mrs. Fred Steiner entertained her old Sabbath school class from Unadilla on Thursday, of last week. Although they are all married, yet it gives them pleasure to meet once again. Covers were laid for 28 and an elegant dinner was served, also cake and ice cream at 3:30 when all left wishing to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Steiner again.
I also happened upon a storm report,
The wind in the storm on Friday evening blew down an old barn for H.N. Dey, an old cider mill for Thad Andrews and a silo for Fred Steiner.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
1915 Men's Underwear

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Clara F. Stowe, born ________, 18__, d. Jan. 15, 1933.
I have not come across information on Mr. and Mrs. Stowe, but the name is very familiar to this area. To that end, here is the obituary, published in The Fowlerville Review in 1909, for William P. Stowe, an early pioneer:
Called Home~~William P. Stowe died at his home in this village early Thursday morning, after an illness of over three years, the probable result of a fall from a cherry tree.
He has been almost helpless much of the time and has had the care of an attendant for over two years, besides the tender care of his wife and son.
He was born in the township of Putnam, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1830, and married Bethsheba Hillman, March 1, 1855. In 1856, they came to Michigan and settled in the township of Conway and resided there until he moved to Fowlerville about 16 years ago. He was the father of two sons, George and W.E., the former passed over the river about 25 years ago. His wife did July 18, 1890, and in August, 1903, he married Mrs. Sarah Drew, who survives him. In early life, he was an active Christian worker and was a member of the M.E. church when he died.
He responded to the call of his country in its time of need and served faithfully as a soldier in the 9th Michigan until the close of the war. He was also a charter member of Fowlerville Lodge, I.O.O.F., and a member of Gilluly post. He was a man of honesty, integrity and was highly respected by a large circles of friends.
The funeral services will be held at the M.E. church Sunday morning at the regular hour for service, the Rev. W.G. Stephens officiating, and the remains will be interred in the Conway cemetery.
Friday, August 19, 2011
1876 Random News
While working in a sand pit, west of the village on Saturday, Z.W. Palmerton received a slight sunstroke. He is convalescent, just now, however.
Mr. R. Fowler, wife and daughter, Mrs. A.D. Benjamin, started on a trip up the lakes on Wednesday to be gone perhaps three or four weeks.
Mr. S.G. Palmerton has just completed the platting into village lots of seven acres in the northern part of the village and now offers some of the most desirable lots in Fowlerville.
Charley Bush has a two-week's old chicken that has four legs, the toes of which are all perfectly formed. Two of the legs, however, are united down to the feet by a web like that of a duck's foot.
During the last few months, night-watchman Stevens has extinguished four fires, any of which with a slight breeze would have doubtless terminated in a disastrous conflagration. Two of these were the rear of the Tanner blocks on Grand avenue and Grand River streets; the others were near Chas. Moore's and S. Gillam's blacksmith shops, We give these facts to show the public that the reports that have been circulated regarding Mr. Steven's neglect of duty are false. We believe that Mr. Stevens may be found at his post every night in the faithful discharge of his duties as special police and nightwatch.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
1914 Willis Lyons
As I've continued researching, this was noted that he was running for a second term for Prosecuting Attorney in the county.

Ultimately, he lost by 36 votes to Mr. Van Winkle.
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Emily A. Converse, b. Sept. 29, 1844, d. Feb. 7, 1934.
A Good Man Laid to Rest~~James Converse died at the home of his son, Fred, in this village, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, after an illness of a few weeks.
He was born Sept. 30, 1838, at Syracuse, New York, and at the age of two years, came with his parents to Michigan, settling at Commerce, Oakland county, and when he was 10 years of age, they moved to the township of Conway, this county. He was united in marriage to Miss Emily Miner, July 15, 1860, and in 1866 purchased the farm where he continued his residence for 50 years, with the exception of the few weeks he spent in the home of his son in this village. For 56 years, they traveled the road of married life together, sharing the joys and sorrows of the pioneer days and the coming days will be very lonely for her. Mr. Converse was of a genial, kindly nature and was greatly respected as a neighbor and friend.
The funeral services were held at the house on Thursday afternoon, the Rev. G.L. Adams officiating, and the remains placed in one of the crypts in the mausoleum.
The above obituary was found in The Fowlerville Review.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
1913 Isaiah Gott Obituary

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
1910 Greenaway House

Although there was no credit on this photograph, found in the Howell Archives, it looks to be very similar in timeframe and composition to the numerous pictures taken by Holt & Hart.
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Monday, August 15, 2011
1892 Lime Green
Very few photographs exist -- and those that do -- in many historical collections, rarely have names on the backs of the pictures. Fortunately, the following pictures, found in the Howell Archives, had names written on the back:

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Floss A. Benjamin, b. 1879, d. 1946

In 1922, A.E. Benjamin's obituary, Ernest's brother, was in the local newspaper and provides some very good information. It follows:
Business Man Dies Suddenly~~This village received a sudden and severe shock Sunday night when word went out that Arthur E. Benjamin had suddenly passed away at Hotel Lockwood after an illness of a little over 36 hours. He attended the basket ball game Friday night and a short time after retiring complained of being cold, growing gradually worse. Dr. Cunningham was called and everything was done that medical skill could suggest, but it was a case of double pneumonia and his death soon followed.
He was born in the township of Conway, the eldest son of Charles W. and Mary Benjamin, September 15, 1872, and resided there until the spring of 1883, when he came with his parents to Fowlerville, where he resided the balance of his life with the exception of a short period spent at Linden.
When he left school, he learned the art of printing in the Review office and later went to Linden where he worked in the office of the Record with W.H. Peek, after which he returned to Fowlerville and officiated in the stores and where he married Bertha Crawford January 29, 2902, and later engaged in in the restaurant and grocery business with success until he finally sold the business and rented the hotel where he died.
He was the father of three children, two daughters, Iva and Caroline, and one son, Arthur J., who with his wife, mother and brother, Ernest D., survive to mourn his departure.
He was a member of the Masonic lodge and the funeral services will be held at the home this afternoon at two o'clock under Masonic auspices, the Rev. W.C. Roof, assisted by the Rev. G.L. Adams, officiating, and the remains interred in Greenwood cemetery.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
1913 Nellie Bristol Obituary
Following is the obituary published in The Fowlerville Review for Mrs. Nellie Bristol:

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Frank M. Miner, b. June 14, 1849, d. April 9, 1928, and
Addie I. Miner, b. Aug. 29, 1850, d. Mar. 19, 1898.

Saturday, August 13, 2011
1896 Henry Bristol Obituary
This obituary is for Henry N. Bristol:

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Frank H. Westmoreland, b. Jan 7, 1852, d. Mar. 13, 1921, and
Esther Westmoreland, b. Oct 9, 1859, d. Apr. 28, 1927.

This is another name I have not come across -- a farmer possibly? Any information?
Friday, August 12, 2011
1913 Vacuum Cleaner

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Mr. Lewis, b. Mar. 28, 1838(?), d. ___ 25, 1918, and
Alice Lewis, no dates.

Is anyone familiar with this couple?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
1899 Thomas Alva Edison
Above is just a portion of an article published in The Fowlerville Review in 1899. The editor, G.L. Adams, of the local newspaper was very much against any kind of drinking and looked for every opportunity to make a comment.
Part of the reason this pertains to Fowlerville was because, within a few years, the Local Option Act would be enacted and drinking in the county was abolished. It was even illegal for druggists to prescribe medicine with alcohol in it, especially if the person receiving the drug might be a known drinker.
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Harriett L. Wickman, b. July 24, 1848, d. Oct. 14, 1935.
Fred Richter has purchased the interest of A.J. Wickman in the firm of A.J. Wickman & Son, and the business will be continued at the same location under the firm name of Wickman & Richter. The new firm has a very large acquaintance, having been born and reared in this vicinity, and will make a strong team among the business men of this village, whose success is already assured.
A couple weeks later,
Notice~~Notice is hereby given that the firm heretofore known as A.J. Wickman & Son is mutually dissolved and all accounts owing to said firm will be paid to A.J. Wickman. Signed, A.J. Wickman and P.B. Wickman
A bit more information,
Mrs. A.J. Wickman and Mrs. Henry Curtis are members of the W.R.C. and each lady made their appearance in this world on the 25th day of July, 1848 (but please note above crypt information showing the 24th), and the W.R.C. decided to celebrate the event by holding a W.R.C. social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and also to extend an invitation to the friends and neighbors to join in the festivities, which nearly all accepted and a large crowd enjoyed the occasion very much. A fine supper was served and the table was decorated by a large cake properly frosted and decorated.
In 1915,
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wickman celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary Sunday by entertaining their three sons, Perry of this place, Roy of Webberville, and Gale of Detroit, with their families. It is almost useless to add that the day was a very enjoyable one for all and Mr. and Mrs. Wickman have a large circle of friends who will be glad to see them live to enjoy many more such pleasant anniversaries.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
1909 Amberol Machine
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
1907 Fowlerville Fair
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Emma Sharp, b. July 9, 1860, d. Apr. 23, 1945.

In the meantime, I did find this obituary in 1901 --
Suddenly Called~~Samuel Sharp died suddenly on Sunday morning at his home four miles north of Williamston. He had been ailing for some time, but was considered much better. He arose as usual on Sunday morning, but soon after expired. He was born at Northampton Shire, Eng., July 10, 1833, and came with his parents to the United States when only five years of age and settled in Unadilla, where he grew to manhood and married Maria A. Chalker Oct. 12, 1856, and to them were born seven children, six of whom are still living, one of the sons, Herman Sharp, living one mile south of this place. He removed to the farm where he died in 1870. He was a tender father, loving husband and a kind neighbor. He was made a Mason at this place in 1867 and was buried under the auspices of the order at his request.
The funeral services were held at the Congregational church at Williamston on Tuesday forenoon and were largely attended.
Does anyone know if this might have been Thomas Sharp's father?
Monday, August 8, 2011
1905 Weird News
I have posted this particular article published in The Fowlerville Review by G.L. Adams, even though it is not directly related to Fowlerville, mostly because of Mike Grimm's wonderful book, Mastodons to Manufacturers: A History of Fowlerville, Michigan. In it, he traces back much of the early history of this area, giving us a very good historical perspective of how so much of this land was used by others long before Ralph Fowler arrived.
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Etha B. Smith, b. May 5, 1892, d. Nov. 2, 1936, and
Augusta C. Smith, b. Sept. 14, 1888.

Sunday, August 7, 2011
1914 Corsets

Two features must exist in every corset to give the desired satisfactory result. First, a corset must be comfortable and easy, still bearing the required lines of grace and beauty in the style you wear. Second, it must stay -- right -- that is, it must be so made that durability is not sacrificed in any manner. Thus the J.C.C. Corset -- every pair guaranteed.
1908 Deo Blackmer
Deo Blackmer attained his sixteenth birthday on Friday of last week, and entertained a number of his young friends in honor of that event. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present.
Deo was very active in community events in later years, while still running the store, including conducting black-out drills during World War II.
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Ethel Newman Pearson, D.O., b. Aug. 10, 1896, d. Feb. 7, 1960.

Geo. A. Newman, b. Sept. 13, 1863, d. June 15, 1938, and
Mary E. Newman, b. Feb. 25, 1865, d. July 2, 1958.
After the 1904 devastating fire that ruined many wooden buildings in the southeast quadrant, G.A. Newman built a brick structure that has two storefronts. Currently, an optometrist and a hair salon are housed in this building. If you look up over the doorways, you will see G.A. Newman's name. He, along with Hugh Loughlin, coal dealer, were instrumental in getting this block rebuilt. Others may remember these storefronts as a bank, Peter Iskra's jewelry repair, a bakery, the post office.

Fred Kuhn, b. Sept. 7, 1854, d. July 2, 1928, and
Mary Kuhn, b. June 11, 1856, d. Mar. 31, 1934.
Mr. Kuhn was a businessman leading the charge to finally have the mausoleum built in 1915. At one time, he lived in the three-story red house at the southwest corner of South Collins and East Grand River, eventually known as the Nellie Glenn house. In a 1912 issue of The Fowlerville Review, the editor wrote, Fred Kuhn is enlarging the dining room of his residence and make other modern improvements.

Saturday, August 6, 2011
1952 Tomion's Advertisement

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Friday, August 5, 2011
1906 William Craig
The above article was found in The Fowlerville Review. Mr. Craig was a shoemaker and very active businessman in Fowlerville, as well as equally active in the M.E. Church. When I was doing research for my book, The Fowlerville Chronicles, I came across an article written in the late 1980s regarding the William Craig home located on Frank Street. A picture of the house at that time is shown below.
Squint Shot 080511
Thursday, August 4, 2011
1912 Agricultural Society Fair Book
One note of interest was in the early years of the fair, it was held in October. This was probably due to most of the crops having been harvested which would free of most farmers time so they could participate more fully. This year the fair was held the last week of July and was great fun for all.