Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1901 Beehive at Jay Redfield's Farm

A few weeks back, my husband and I happened to be taking care of errands and deliveries, and one of my stops was at the village office.  What fortunate timing it was.  Both Sherrie and Kathy urged us back outside to check out a honeycomb that was just discovered in one of the trees at the front of the village office building, now that the leaves had all fallen off.
I ducked under the tree and snapped the following two pictures before a beekeeper came to take it down and try to save as many bees as possible:

Coincidentally, as I'm searching through interesting information to post to the website, I came across the following article, published in 1901 in The Fowlerville Review about a beehive:

~~Jay Redfield has, in all probability, the largest beehive in this county at least.  He kept finding honey bees in the chamber of his residence and an examination revealed the fact that a swarm of bees had entered through a large knot hole in the siding and filled more or less of the space between the studding.  A few days after the discovery was made, the bees swarmed and Mr. Redfield put a hive over the knot hole and captured part of the swarm, the others still remaining in the house.  The only disadvantage is in having to tear the house down to get the honey.

Makes one wonder what he eventually did to solve the problem, or did the honey just remain in the wall forever.

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