Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1915 Letter from J.C. Ellsworth

Over the next week (or so), I am going to post letters, articles, and pictures I received from someone who recently found my blog.  This reader is located in New Hampshire and appears to be deeply involved in preserving their history.
His connection to Fowlerville?
Years ago, he purchased an organ that had originally been owned by J.C. Ellsworth, one of Fowlerville's revered bankers in the early days of the village.  At the time this reader purchased the organ, it was owned by the proprietor of the Howell Domestic Pickle Company.
But to start this series of posts, following is the letter from J.C. Ellsworth to the Estey Organ Company, located in Brattleboro, Vermont, dated December 1, 1915:
Tomorrow, I'll show the purchase order.

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