Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1879 Williamston Enterprise

Part of the reason I am so fervently working on a biography of G.L. Adams, the publisher and editor of The Fowlerville Review is because of straight-talking, in defense of newspaper's successes and failures, articles such as the following:

Spewed His Bile~~The consummate ass who runs the Williamston Enterprise has actually opened his 'fly-trap' and spewed a great, nasty spew right at us. He starts out in his attack with the probable intent of giving Rev. N.W. Pierce a 'racket,' but knowing that that gentleman has equally as good a chance of defending himself before the same public without paying five cents for the privilege of so doing, changes his aim and makes a desperate charge on 'those Fowlerville printers' who 'omitted imprints' to some job work done by 'Elder Pierce.'

We have been sorry ever since the job was completed that we omitted the imprint, for we are sure if we had not it would have been the means of bringing us quite a considerable more work from our sister village, and are thankful to the Enterprise for informing its readers for us where the jobs were done. As regards their being 'amateur jobs' the statement is false and we are willing to place those jobs or any others turned out of this office beside the best the Enterprise can do.

The trouble with the Enterprise is it loses about thirty dollars' worth of job work a year for the discourteous course it has pursued with the Reverend gentleman above spoken of.

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