Thursday, November 24, 2011

1878 Pioneer Sketch - Part 19

The plank road from Lansing to Howell was in contemplation, there being one from Detroit to Howell already commenced. This road was commenced in Lansing in the year 1849 and completed between the years 1852 and 1853, this improvement created a great interest in our town. I took the job to furnish the plank from the Cedar river to Howell - 1 1/2 million feet. They were sawed by Samuel G. Palmerton, who then had bought the mill and still owns it. They were delivered on the road by Levi Munsell and Jeremiah Nichols, for 75 cents per thousand feed from Fowlerville to Howell.

The plat of Fowlerville then consisted of 19 lots as above mentioned. A store was built on the corner by myself where the store of Glenn & Co. now stands and forms the east part of the same. It was occupied by the plank co. for the years 1852 and 1853, then by the Hon. Josiah Turner, and was the first store in town.

Mr. Amos Adams having taken a seeming interest in this place, came on and added a new survey of a plat of 40 acres, and says to me, 'You give to any one who will build a respectable house, each alternate lot,' which was done. The plank road being finished at this time from Detroit to Lansing, it became one of the most busiest thoroughfares of the state, lined with teams from end to end.

With a four-horse coach each way twice a day, frequently carrying from 16 to 20 persons, our village began to grow and our town commenced to rapidly populate.

Beginnings of the Reason House tomorrow.

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