Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1878 Pioneer Sketch - Part 11

Yesterday portion of the Pioneer Sketch by Ralph Fowler, published in the local newspaper, spoke about dogs in the area. Today's part 11 continues:

Soon after Mr. Bush came to town, he came over to Mr. Fowler's, and several of us were there. He had his dog with him. The dogs soon began to bristle and growl. All who had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Bush can realize how quick he was to notice the growl of a dog. He says to Mr. Fowler, 'You had better look a little to your dog; my hound is a fighter, and very sharp bitten.'

Mr. Fowler says, 'Never mind; he is not worth much; let them work.'

Soon the battle began, and the hound handled the bull dog with seeming ease. Mr. Bush remarked that it would be better to take them apart, as the hound had whipped two such bull dogs at one time in Ithaca; but Mr. Fowler said let them go; if his dog could not take care of himself he ought to be killed.

Soon the bull dog began to play his part, and got a dead hold on the hound, and closed his eyes. The result was that the hound soon began to cry for help. The bull dog was choked off and the hound went for hom, yelling lustily. Charles stood for a moment, then said, 'By jiminy, boys, this is the first time that hound was ever whipped.'

We must leave the pedigree of the bull dog with Dr. Wells.

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