Friday, August 5, 2011

1906 William Craig

The work of wiring the residence of William Craig is completed and the family are enjoying the new electric light very much. The residence of J.H. Orth and H.A. Loughlin are now being wired for the electric light.

The above article was found in The Fowlerville Review. Mr. Craig was a shoemaker and very active businessman in Fowlerville, as well as equally active in the M.E. Church. When I was doing research for my book, The Fowlerville Chronicles, I came across an article written in the late 1980s regarding the William Craig home located on Frank Street. A picture of the house at that time is shown below.

So one has to wonder what it looked like in 1906 -- the same? smaller before any additions? real shutters? different or no landscaping? But then, I've wondered who else was interested in electricity once a few houses had been wired. Found my answer:

S.T. Blackmer is having his home wired for the electric light. The fine service given by the Fowlerville Lighting Co. is bringing them a large amount of new business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the TV tower wasn't there