Thursday, February 10, 2011

1876 Lost Boy Scare

The Fowlerville Review reported everything from new storefronts to accidents to visitors to the antics of young children. This one caught my eye as I wondered how this little six-year old felt.

Considerable sensation was created on Monday evening at a late hour by the report on the streets that a little six-year old son of Mrs. Hendricks, who has recently arrived in the village, had come up missing. A thorough search was at once instituted. Bells were rung and parties with lanterns started in all directions to look for the little wanderer. After the close examination of numerous wells, cisterns, privy vaults, etc., the little fellow was found shortly after ten o'clock under the stairs leading to the second story of the building just south of the Corbett house. When found, he was so benumbed as to be utterly unable to give an account of his absence or to answer any of the numerous questions propounded to him. When last seen, he was with some other lads of his own age were playing with some burning rubbish in the rear of the Close block. Some of the clerks in sport told the boys at the time that they would have them put in jail if they did not leave and it is thought that he became scared and skulked away and, hearing so many men searching with lanterns, thought they were after him to lock him up and had hid, where he was found, for safety.

The Close block, which no longer exists, was located on the west side of South Grand just about a block from Grand River Avenue; about at the northeast corner of the Curtis Grocery parking lot.

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