Saturday, September 10, 2011

1912 Call of the Wild

An article was republished in The Fowlerville Review from the Republican. It caught my eye because of the name Joseph Cook. There were quite a few Cooks in the area involved in hardware since the Civil War and I would almost guess Joseph was part of the same family.

The Call of the Wild ~~ Last fall, Joseph Cook, on the McPherson farm north of town, saw a strange dog worrying his sheep but was unable to get a shot at the animal. Later on from time to time, the dead and mutilated bodies of sheep were found in the fence corners and over near the big woods, but nothing was ever seen of theh animal or animals committing the killing. The other day the Cook boys found a big log in the woods that showed signs of being inhabited and cut into it. They found two little dog puppies lying in a cozy bed composed of leaves, pieces of sheep pelts and loose bits of wool. Had they not been discovered, the mother and grown offsprings would have made as formidable a hunting pack as any conceived by Professor Roberts or Jack London.

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