Mother of Claudie, Phebe, wife of Frederick Copeland, b. Oc. 6, 1851, d. June 15, 1915.

Good Woman Called Home~~Mrs. Phebe Halifax Copeland died at her home in this village early Tuesday morning, after a lingering illness of nearly ten months, of at times almost unendurable pain and suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude and patience that caused her friends to wonder at her powers of endurance and the inexhaustiveness of her patience, until death came as a relief, even to those who loved her most.
She was born in Lincolnshire, England, Oct. 6, 1851, and came with her parents to the United States in the same year, settling at Seneca Falls, N.Y. In 1854, she came to Michigan and in Oct. 24, 1873, married Frederick Copeland at Henrietta, Jackson county, and settled on the farm in Conway where she continued her residence until she came with her husband to this village a few years since. She was the mother of two children, one having passed on before, the other Clifford, with the husband and a large circle of friends survive her. She was a faithful member of the Baptist church and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was indeed a true wife and loving mother.
The funeral services will be held at the Baptist church this afternoon, the Rev. F.I. Winter, officiating, assisted by Rev. G.L. Adams, and the remains will be placed in the vault until the new mausoleum is completed.
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