Friday, September 30, 2011
1922 Commercial Bank
The following article was more an advertisement placed in The Fowlerville Review regarding the Commercial Bank:
I'm wondering what the modern burglar alarm looked like!

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Mary E. Swarthout, b. Apr. 17, 1856, d. Dec. 2, 1935, and
Nelson G. Swarthout, b. Mar. 17, 1855, d. Aug. 22, 1929.
N.G. Swarthout was a businessman in the village, and early on in his career he partnered with G.L. Adams and allowed G.L. to use a building at that back of his property to build a printing press he had patented. Swarthout's house was on the corner where the BP gas station now stands.
Nelson G. Swarthout, b. Mar. 17, 1855, d. Aug. 22, 1929.

N.G. Swarthout was a businessman in the village, and early on in his career he partnered with G.L. Adams and allowed G.L. to use a building at that back of his property to build a printing press he had patented. Swarthout's house was on the corner where the BP gas station now stands.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
1903 20th Anniversary of G.A.R.
In 1883, the John Gilluly post of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post #114, was formed in Fowlerville. It was named in honor of a Brighton teacher who died in battle while leading numerous Fowlerville troops into battle in the Civil War. Twenty years later, a grand celebration was scheduled:
Twentieth Anniversary~~Gilluly post, G.A.R., was organized at this place 20 years ago the first of next month and the ladies of the W.R.C. thought it would be a nice idea to walk in upon the post at their regular meeting, give them a little surprise and help them celebrate theh 20th anniversary. A few of the comrades found out what was going on, but the most of the members were taken completely by surprise, but they surrendered discreetly without even a skirmish and the ladies had everything their own way.
About 8:30 Mrs. W.E. Bradley, Lady Commander, took the chair and rapped for order and announced that G.L. Adams would lead in the singing of America and Rev. J.E. Ryerson would follow with prayer, after which she made a very pleasing address and then called for a select reading by Mrs. J.E. Reese, also one by Mrs. W.M. Horton. Mrs. P. Stowe rendered a fine recitation, Mrs. D.C. Carr followed by a riddle and Rev. J.E. Ryerson, W.M. Horton and C.E. Dunston gave short talks, after which splendid refreshments, for which the ladies of the W.R.C. are noted, were served and heartily enjoyed by all, who felt that the evening had been very pleasantly and profitably spent.
With the editor of the newspaper in the Curtis Cornet band, a few months later, this interesting article was published in the paper:
Fowlerville is now the possessor of a good brass band and some efforts should be put forth to secure their services for Memorial Day. If the G.A.R. post do not feel as though they could stand the expense, let us all make a little contribution and secure the attendance of the band which will add very much to the occasion. We believe our citizens will only be glad to assist in these expenses which will add very much to the occawsion. We believe our citizens will only be glad to assist in these expenses which usually fall on the G.A.R.
Twentieth Anniversary~~Gilluly post, G.A.R., was organized at this place 20 years ago the first of next month and the ladies of the W.R.C. thought it would be a nice idea to walk in upon the post at their regular meeting, give them a little surprise and help them celebrate theh 20th anniversary. A few of the comrades found out what was going on, but the most of the members were taken completely by surprise, but they surrendered discreetly without even a skirmish and the ladies had everything their own way.
About 8:30 Mrs. W.E. Bradley, Lady Commander, took the chair and rapped for order and announced that G.L. Adams would lead in the singing of America and Rev. J.E. Ryerson would follow with prayer, after which she made a very pleasing address and then called for a select reading by Mrs. J.E. Reese, also one by Mrs. W.M. Horton. Mrs. P. Stowe rendered a fine recitation, Mrs. D.C. Carr followed by a riddle and Rev. J.E. Ryerson, W.M. Horton and C.E. Dunston gave short talks, after which splendid refreshments, for which the ladies of the W.R.C. are noted, were served and heartily enjoyed by all, who felt that the evening had been very pleasantly and profitably spent.
With the editor of the newspaper in the Curtis Cornet band, a few months later, this interesting article was published in the paper:
Fowlerville is now the possessor of a good brass band and some efforts should be put forth to secure their services for Memorial Day. If the G.A.R. post do not feel as though they could stand the expense, let us all make a little contribution and secure the attendance of the band which will add very much to the occasion. We believe our citizens will only be glad to assist in these expenses which will add very much to the occawsion. We believe our citizens will only be glad to assist in these expenses which usually fall on the G.A.R.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
1920 Washing Machine
The work of washing clothes was changing very quickly with the introduction of a modern machine that would do much of the hard labor of getting dirt and grime out.
In the early part to mid-1900s, John Vogt was basically a jack-of-all trades -- he was an undertaker, furniture salesman, had a cold-food storage facility, and sold appliances. He was also the first president of the Commercial Club, a precursor to the Rotary Club in Fowlerville.
The following article was published in the local newspaper:
The washing machine demonstration given by John S. Vogt Saturday afternoon drew a large crowd who were very much interested in the demonstration. A machine was given away at the close and first was given to Miss Viola Munsell, but the rule required that it should go to the head of a home, and as Miss Munsell could not qualify, Mrs. Martin of Iosco, became the happy possessor.
In the early part to mid-1900s, John Vogt was basically a jack-of-all trades -- he was an undertaker, furniture salesman, had a cold-food storage facility, and sold appliances. He was also the first president of the Commercial Club, a precursor to the Rotary Club in Fowlerville.
The following article was published in the local newspaper:
The washing machine demonstration given by John S. Vogt Saturday afternoon drew a large crowd who were very much interested in the demonstration. A machine was given away at the close and first was given to Miss Viola Munsell, but the rule required that it should go to the head of a home, and as Miss Munsell could not qualify, Mrs. Martin of Iosco, became the happy possessor.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
1894 Pioneer Picnic
The first thing upon awaking Friday morning last that entered the minds of those at all interested and thought of the matter at all was that there would be no pioneer picnic held on that day as the clouds looked very threatening and as though they had come to stay and give us an all day rain. President Kanouse came to the village the day before to see that all arrangements were properly made and after consultation with those interested here he decided, as it had commenced to rain, to postpone the picnic, but as the hour of noon approached the rain ceased, and people came to the village by the hundred and as Judge Kanouse afterwards expressed it in his speech, "the pesky thing would not stay postponed." Soon after dinner, the people began to congregate in the Opera house, the band and choir were hastily summoned and by that time, the Opera house was filled with people and many were unable to get seats. President Kanouse called the meeting to order, explained the situation and after a beautiful piece of music which was finely rendered by the Baptist choir, prayer was offered by the Rev. Wm. Haw and the welcome address was given by G.L. Adams. The response was to have been given by Mr. Albert Dodge, but after the postponement in the forenoon, Mr. Dodge had arranged to leave on the afternoon train and Judge Kanouse filled his place with a few words. Dr. W.B. Fox, of Bancroft then delivered his address, which contained much of his address, which contained much of his pioneer experience in this county when he commenced the practice of medicine, together with the privations and some of the pleasures of pioneer life. Many of his experiences were heartily responded to from different parts of the room by the old pioneers, many of whom were cognizant of the facts.
This was followed by a beautiful and original poem by Mr. T.R. Shields.
Next came five minute talks by Judge Kanouse, Rev. Wm. Haw, J.W. Stiles, L.H. Pullen, Allen Beard, Prof. Barnes, M. Sabin, Mrs. D. Benjamin, C.W. Barber, Joseph Rider and Rev. C. Carey Willett, each giving some very interesting and some very thrilling experiences of their early pioneer life in the state and county.
The rain in the morning kept many of the pioneers from different parts of the county from being present, but those who were able to attend, pronounced it one of the best meetings they have every enjoyed and were loud in the praise of the citizens of the village and surrounding country for the interest they took in the meeting and for the elegant manner in which they had been entertained.
The preceding article was found in the local newspaper -- wouldn't it have been so interesting to hear actual accounts of living the pioneer lifestyle? If I ever come across any, I will definitely do a post.
This was followed by a beautiful and original poem by Mr. T.R. Shields.
Next came five minute talks by Judge Kanouse, Rev. Wm. Haw, J.W. Stiles, L.H. Pullen, Allen Beard, Prof. Barnes, M. Sabin, Mrs. D. Benjamin, C.W. Barber, Joseph Rider and Rev. C. Carey Willett, each giving some very interesting and some very thrilling experiences of their early pioneer life in the state and county.
The rain in the morning kept many of the pioneers from different parts of the county from being present, but those who were able to attend, pronounced it one of the best meetings they have every enjoyed and were loud in the praise of the citizens of the village and surrounding country for the interest they took in the meeting and for the elegant manner in which they had been entertained.
The preceding article was found in the local newspaper -- wouldn't it have been so interesting to hear actual accounts of living the pioneer lifestyle? If I ever come across any, I will definitely do a post.
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Monday, September 26, 2011
1884 Bad Conduct
One day last week, constable O'Dell of Webberville, was deputized to convey a 16 year-old girl, under a two years' sentence, for general bad conduct, to the Adrian reformatory, but at Mason his prisoner gave him the slip and escaped. Later she appeared in this place and towns along the road dressed in full male attire. Monday, officers from Lansing went to Howell and arrested her and a young chap from Webberville who had hired a livery rig in Lansing to go to Williamston. When arrested, the girl caused a small sensation by telling where she got the boys clothes, naming a somewhat prominent young married man of Williamston as the donor.
The above article was found in the local newspaper. During this time, G.L. Adams, editor and publisher of The Fowlerville Review, also kept readers apprised of goings-on outside the village. So, mmm . . . the 16 year-old was able to slip away from the constable? And who was the prominent young married man?
The above article was found in the local newspaper. During this time, G.L. Adams, editor and publisher of The Fowlerville Review, also kept readers apprised of goings-on outside the village. So, mmm . . . the 16 year-old was able to slip away from the constable? And who was the prominent young married man?
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Hazel (Defendorf) McKie, b. Aug. 5, 1903, d. Nov. 1, 1998, and
Jessie M. Defendorf, b. July 5, 1875, d. Oct. 24, 1952.
Eugene A. Defendorf, b. Oct. 13, 1904, d. July 8, 1960, and
Amanda M. Bush, b. Oct. 20, 1846, d. May 1, 1920.
Browsing through some files in the historical collection, I found the following picture of a young Eugene Defendorf:
Edgar D. Defendorf, b. Apr. 28, 1876, d. July 25, 1949.
Jessie M. Defendorf, b. July 5, 1875, d. Oct. 24, 1952.

Eugene A. Defendorf, b. Oct. 13, 1904, d. July 8, 1960, and
Amanda M. Bush, b. Oct. 20, 1846, d. May 1, 1920.

Browsing through some files in the historical collection, I found the following picture of a young Eugene Defendorf:

Edgar D. Defendorf, b. Apr. 28, 1876, d. July 25, 1949.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
1900 Horse Found
So many articles in the local newspaper gave complete pictures of what happened, right down to a wayward horse. Enjoy . . .
The horse and carriage belonging to Herbie Briggs, which disappeared so suddenly from the streets of this village early Thursday morning, of last week, was found traveling along alone on the Pleasant Valley road, about two miles east of Brighton, on Thursday forenoon. Early Thursday morning, officer McCarty telephoned the officials at all the different places around this village. He was soon informed that a rig bearing the description passed through Brighton at a rapid trot about four o'clock a.m. Later, he was again informed that the rig was found and Mr. Briggs and Mr. McCarty went after the rig and brought it home.
The tie strap was hanging when the horse was found, but it bore no mark of the hoof, and it seems that it would be impossible for a horse to travel that distance without stepping on the tie strap if it were hanging. Mr. Briggs says the horse was not overly ambitious, but it certainly made good time in reaching Brighton, and it certainly seems that some one must have done considerable urging to make the distance in the time.
The horse and carriage belonging to Herbie Briggs, which disappeared so suddenly from the streets of this village early Thursday morning, of last week, was found traveling along alone on the Pleasant Valley road, about two miles east of Brighton, on Thursday forenoon. Early Thursday morning, officer McCarty telephoned the officials at all the different places around this village. He was soon informed that a rig bearing the description passed through Brighton at a rapid trot about four o'clock a.m. Later, he was again informed that the rig was found and Mr. Briggs and Mr. McCarty went after the rig and brought it home.
The tie strap was hanging when the horse was found, but it bore no mark of the hoof, and it seems that it would be impossible for a horse to travel that distance without stepping on the tie strap if it were hanging. Mr. Briggs says the horse was not overly ambitious, but it certainly made good time in reaching Brighton, and it certainly seems that some one must have done considerable urging to make the distance in the time.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
1832 Rambo Farm Wagon
I keep noticing an old wagon "fer sale" at the corner of West Grand River and South Grand in the parking lot. For a mere $1,200, you can have it and maybe someday have an article written about your wagon. That's what I got thinking about when I found the following article published in the local newspaper, in 1897:
The Pioneer Wagon~~J.B. Rambo of Conway is probably the owner of the oldest lumber wagon in Livingston county at least. It was brought to this state by William McMillen when he was a young man and when he became old and retired from active life, the wagon was sold to Caan Beauteil and about 23 years ago was purchased by Mr. Rambo and is the only wagon he has had on the farm since that time, having done all the work on the farm, marketed all produce, drawn the timber from his farm and the lumber from his farm and the lumber for all his buildings. It can be figured up that the wagon is over 65 years old and has been in active work all that time and is a pretty good wagon yet.
The Pioneer Wagon~~J.B. Rambo of Conway is probably the owner of the oldest lumber wagon in Livingston county at least. It was brought to this state by William McMillen when he was a young man and when he became old and retired from active life, the wagon was sold to Caan Beauteil and about 23 years ago was purchased by Mr. Rambo and is the only wagon he has had on the farm since that time, having done all the work on the farm, marketed all produce, drawn the timber from his farm and the lumber from his farm and the lumber for all his buildings. It can be figured up that the wagon is over 65 years old and has been in active work all that time and is a pretty good wagon yet.
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Otto R. Steiner, b. Oct. 21, 1883, d. May 6, 1920.
In 1916, the following article was republished in the local newspaper. I am wondering if this branch of the Steiners might have been related to Otto Steiner:
Needle in Baby's Knee~~The year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Steiner was taken to Ann Arbor, yesterday, and will later undergo an operation for the removal of a needle from his knee.
About two months ago, while Mrs. Steiner was visiting her mother in Fowlerville, the little lad was crawling about the floor and later a piece of a needle was found in his rompers and a slight scratch on his knee. At the time it was considered probably that the other piece of the needle was embodied in the flesh, but the child did not seem to be in pain and the matter was dismissed as trivial. During the past week, however, the limb became swollen, the least pressure causing the child pain, and a local doctor advised consulting the hospital experts in Ann Arbor.
A radiograph was made of the child's limb, yesterday, and the missing needle was located, but on account of infection and inflammation, the operation will be delayed until the swelling can be reduced and the child prepared for the ordeal.~~Chelsea Tribune

Needle in Baby's Knee~~The year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Steiner was taken to Ann Arbor, yesterday, and will later undergo an operation for the removal of a needle from his knee.
About two months ago, while Mrs. Steiner was visiting her mother in Fowlerville, the little lad was crawling about the floor and later a piece of a needle was found in his rompers and a slight scratch on his knee. At the time it was considered probably that the other piece of the needle was embodied in the flesh, but the child did not seem to be in pain and the matter was dismissed as trivial. During the past week, however, the limb became swollen, the least pressure causing the child pain, and a local doctor advised consulting the hospital experts in Ann Arbor.
A radiograph was made of the child's limb, yesterday, and the missing needle was located, but on account of infection and inflammation, the operation will be delayed until the swelling can be reduced and the child prepared for the ordeal.~~Chelsea Tribune
Friday, September 23, 2011
1961 Band Concerts and Performances
Two years before Charles W. Hills, the Fowlerville High School Director, retired, these pictures were taken of a 1961 spring concert and a Memorial Day performance. 
I'd like to, once again, thank the reader that sent me these pictures through e-mail. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to share them on this website.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011
1948 Charles W. Hills
As mentioned yesterday, some wonderful pictures have come my way from various readers -- going along with the band theme of yesterday, here is a picture of Charles W. Hills. He was the band director from 1948 until 1963.
There may still be some of you out there familiar with him or having been under his direction. If so, it would be great if you would leave a comment on what you remember.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
1934 FHS Band
I have been very fortunate in having readers provide pictures of days gone by. One such reader passed along the following two pictures of the 1934 high school band. The second one holds a little extra interest in that the old grist mill on the corner of Mill Street and North Grand River is shown in the background. In those days, what is now Centennial Park was called Centennial Field and used for sports practices and games as well as a practice field for the marching band.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
1936 Lewis Cooper
Lewis H. Cooper, retired druggist of this place, started in business with his father, the late J.L. Cooper in Fowlerville many years ago. His father was one of the pioneer business men of this place, coming here before the railroad was built. When Mr. Cooper sold out to C.C. Fenton about nine years ago, he had completed some 33 years in the drug business, both with his father and for himself after the death of his father. The first location of the Cooper drug and grocery store was where the Woods drug store is now located, and after the big fire of 1891, the building where the Fenton drug store is now, was built. Mr. Cooper, who retired from active business on account of his health, and now spends the winters in Florida, is a Fowlerville product, having been born here and spent nearly all his life in this community.
During the 1936 100th celebration of the arrival of Ralph Fowler, many of the local businessmen were showcased in The Fowlerville Review, as shown in the above article.
The Cooper drug store was located, after the rebuilding of the northeast quadrant in 1891, where you will still find a pharmacy -- now the Fowlerville Healthmart Pharmacy. Quick calculations shows that a drug store has been located in this building continuously for 120 years. Pretty impressive.

The Cooper drug store was located, after the rebuilding of the northeast quadrant in 1891, where you will still find a pharmacy -- now the Fowlerville Healthmart Pharmacy. Quick calculations shows that a drug store has been located in this building continuously for 120 years. Pretty impressive.
Monday, September 19, 2011
1921 Charley Gehringer
As I've been working my way through files and files of digital pictures of The Fowlerville Review, it occurred to me I had not come across anything regarding the high school ball team or Charley Gehringer -- and then it occurred to me I was looking at 1921 information and that would be about the time Charley was in high school. And then I came across the article above noting he "struck out Leslie in the last half of the ninth."
A few weeks later, Young Gehringer, Fowlerville's third baseman is a swell little player. He is a cool and steady fielder as well as a fair hitter. He and the other young players on the team should make strong talent for next year.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
2011 FBA Expo
Yesterday was the second annual FBA Expo and Fun Fest, held at the junior high school. This was my booth for my "day job" which involves embroidery of all types, sizes, and designs and also for those wanting to purchase a copy of my book, The Fowlerville Chronicles. Thank you to everyone that stopped by to talk with me, my husband, and our oldest granddaughter.
The weather was great so I'm pretty sure the fire department was very busy showing off their equipment and the jump houses were full of giggling kids. Inside, attendees were able to visit over 40 booths set up by local businesses to show their wares.
Becky Wilson, our administrator for FBA, put in a huge amount of time getting this organized, along with the committee. Thank you to all that put in time to make this a successful event!

Becky Wilson, our administrator for FBA, put in a huge amount of time getting this organized, along with the committee. Thank you to all that put in time to make this a successful event!
1864 Civil War Remembrance
For all those readers interested in Civil War remembrances, the following was found in a May, 1921, issue of The Fowlerville Review:
Tuesday, May 10, 1864, is yet fresh in the memory of Alfred H. Smith, as that was the day 57 years ago when he was taken prisoner in Virginia by the Rebs, being captured after a long chase and some hot fighting. His cavalry horse finally gave out and he took to the woods on the mountains only to fall into the arms of three bushwackers who captured and disarmed him.
Tuesday, May 10, 1864, is yet fresh in the memory of Alfred H. Smith, as that was the day 57 years ago when he was taken prisoner in Virginia by the Rebs, being captured after a long chase and some hot fighting. His cavalry horse finally gave out and he took to the woods on the mountains only to fall into the arms of three bushwackers who captured and disarmed him.
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Edwina A. Wimbles, 1876-1967, and
Clyde S. Wimbles, 1875-1955.
Clyde Wimbles was a sheriff in Livingston county for many years.
Clyde S. Wimbles, 1875-1955.
Clyde Wimbles was a sheriff in Livingston county for many years.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2011 Homecoming
1920 Four Generations of Blackmers
As mentioned in yesterday's post, I spent some time at the Bentley Historical Collection. I had a chance to delve into a box labeled "Blackmer/Farmer" family photographs and papers. Most of the pictures were of those family members while still living in Milan, Michigan. But I felt very fortunate to come across the above family portrait of marked with the notation "four generations." In the picture are "Emily Blackmer, son Thurlow, his son Deo, Deo's daughter Reona Jane."
Thurlow, standing, was S.T. Blackmer, the owner of the clothing store here in town. Deo was his son, and this picture would have been taken shortly after he returned from serving in World War I. Reona Jane, Deo's daughter, graduated years later from the Michigan Agricultural College in East Lansing.
Thurlow, standing, was S.T. Blackmer, the owner of the clothing store here in town. Deo was his son, and this picture would have been taken shortly after he returned from serving in World War I. Reona Jane, Deo's daughter, graduated years later from the Michigan Agricultural College in East Lansing.
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Ada J. Nichols, 1878-1971, and
Frank D. Nichols, 1871-1947.
Located on the south side of the mausoleum, close to the east end.
In a 1920 issue of The Fowlerville Review, I did come across the following:
Mrs. Holcomb and sons have purchased the home in this village they recently traded to Frank Nichols in purchasing his farm.
Some one entered the home of Frank Nichols Saturday night while the men were doing the milking and walked away with $35 in cash which Mr. Nichols had just received for doing a threshing job. A few months since some one stole the most of the makings of an auto truck from his home during the absence of the family. Possibly they were after the money to buy some gasoline to run the whiz wagon.
Frank D. Nichols, 1871-1947.
Located on the south side of the mausoleum, close to the east end.
In a 1920 issue of The Fowlerville Review, I did come across the following:
Mrs. Holcomb and sons have purchased the home in this village they recently traded to Frank Nichols in purchasing his farm.
Some one entered the home of Frank Nichols Saturday night while the men were doing the milking and walked away with $35 in cash which Mr. Nichols had just received for doing a threshing job. A few months since some one stole the most of the makings of an auto truck from his home during the absence of the family. Possibly they were after the money to buy some gasoline to run the whiz wagon.
Friday, September 16, 2011
2011 Walking Tour, Homecoming, and Expo
There is just so much going on this weekend, I am almost on overload! But not quite. Sunday will be my day of rest.
Anyhow, this afternoon at 4 pm, Mike Grimm and I will be at the southwest corner of the downtown area for a "walkabout." Mike will begin the walk focusing on some of the businesses and buildings at the main four corners. After he is done, I'll take over and concentrate on some other trivia as well as talking about some of the houses in the village -- some that are still standing and others that are not. I'm not quite sure how much walking we will do once I am speaking on the houses as most will want to be in the downtown area at 6 pm for the homecoming parade.
I guess the part I am doing is whatever you, my followers, would like to hear about.
As mentioned, the homecoming parade will then be at 6 pm -- have you noticed how nicely some of the businesses have decorated their storefronts as well as the gorgeous pots and hanging baskets Cathy Elliott has nurtured all summer long.
Saturday, then is a whole 'nother activity. From 11 am until 4 pm, the junior high will be overrun with businesses in the gym, fire trucks in the parking lots, jump houses for the kids on the grassy areas, food and other delights, and probably things I haven't even heard about.
I'll be there with samples from my embroidery company as well as copies of The Fowlerville Chronicles for sale. There are not that many copies left and I will not be reprinting it as I am concentrating my time and resources on the biography of G.L. Adams, editor and publisher of The Fowlerville Review from 1874-1929. That book will be nearly as thick as the Chronicles and maybe even more interesting -- already a ton of information in the draft shows how this village was a jumping place during that era.
So, come out and have some fun this weekend -- downtown from 4-6 and at the expo 11-4.
Anyhow, this afternoon at 4 pm, Mike Grimm and I will be at the southwest corner of the downtown area for a "walkabout." Mike will begin the walk focusing on some of the businesses and buildings at the main four corners. After he is done, I'll take over and concentrate on some other trivia as well as talking about some of the houses in the village -- some that are still standing and others that are not. I'm not quite sure how much walking we will do once I am speaking on the houses as most will want to be in the downtown area at 6 pm for the homecoming parade.
I guess the part I am doing is whatever you, my followers, would like to hear about.
As mentioned, the homecoming parade will then be at 6 pm -- have you noticed how nicely some of the businesses have decorated their storefronts as well as the gorgeous pots and hanging baskets Cathy Elliott has nurtured all summer long.
Saturday, then is a whole 'nother activity. From 11 am until 4 pm, the junior high will be overrun with businesses in the gym, fire trucks in the parking lots, jump houses for the kids on the grassy areas, food and other delights, and probably things I haven't even heard about.
I'll be there with samples from my embroidery company as well as copies of The Fowlerville Chronicles for sale. There are not that many copies left and I will not be reprinting it as I am concentrating my time and resources on the biography of G.L. Adams, editor and publisher of The Fowlerville Review from 1874-1929. That book will be nearly as thick as the Chronicles and maybe even more interesting -- already a ton of information in the draft shows how this village was a jumping place during that era.
So, come out and have some fun this weekend -- downtown from 4-6 and at the expo 11-4.
1936 Centennial Celebration
I recently had an opportunity to head to the Bentley Historical Collection and was able to spend a few hours browsing through some photographs and papers pertaining to Fowlerville. Although my main purpose was looking for additional information for the biography, I couldn't resist looking through some extraneous items.
Two eras in Fowlerville's existence have been lucky enough to have people interested in photographing the area. Holt and Hart, dry goods and grocery store owners, took numerous pictures during the period from about 1900 until 1915. They photographed houses, buildings, streets, and did an extraordinary amount of picture-taking after the 1909 cyclone that hit by the railroad tracks.
Another photographer was William Edward Beach. He lived and worked in Howell in later years, but at one point, he lived in Fowlerville. We are lucky enough to have pictures of Ralph Fowler's house, the Palmerton block, and the old Commercial Hotel because of him.
While I was at the Bentley, I discovered a box full of negatives, all filed safely away in envelopes and well marked. I came across a series of negatives taken during the 1936 Centennial celebration. Seeing as we just finished up the 175th celebration, I thought these might be of interest. Keep in mind, these are digital pictures -- fully allowed by the Bentley -- taken of the negatives so they aren't of finished picture quality but all the same fun to look at.
For the grand celebration of one hundred years after the arrival of Ralph Fowler to the area, North Grand was blocked off and a merry-go-round put in the street. Cotton candy was sold from a vendor at the corner in front of the Palmerton block.
South Grand was also blocked off and a ferris wheel stretched as high -- or maybe higher -- than the Hamilton building.
Two eras in Fowlerville's existence have been lucky enough to have people interested in photographing the area. Holt and Hart, dry goods and grocery store owners, took numerous pictures during the period from about 1900 until 1915. They photographed houses, buildings, streets, and did an extraordinary amount of picture-taking after the 1909 cyclone that hit by the railroad tracks.
Another photographer was William Edward Beach. He lived and worked in Howell in later years, but at one point, he lived in Fowlerville. We are lucky enough to have pictures of Ralph Fowler's house, the Palmerton block, and the old Commercial Hotel because of him.
While I was at the Bentley, I discovered a box full of negatives, all filed safely away in envelopes and well marked. I came across a series of negatives taken during the 1936 Centennial celebration. Seeing as we just finished up the 175th celebration, I thought these might be of interest. Keep in mind, these are digital pictures -- fully allowed by the Bentley -- taken of the negatives so they aren't of finished picture quality but all the same fun to look at.
For the grand celebration of one hundred years after the arrival of Ralph Fowler to the area, North Grand was blocked off and a merry-go-round put in the street. Cotton candy was sold from a vendor at the corner in front of the Palmerton block.
South Grand was also blocked off and a ferris wheel stretched as high -- or maybe higher -- than the Hamilton building.
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Francis W. Murnighan, b. Jan. 13, 1871, d. ______,
Carrie B. Murnighan, b. July 2, 1876, d. Dec. 20, ________.
As in other cases, I did not want to move the memorial flowers, so the dates remain obscured.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
1911 Women Suffragettes
This evening I will be giving a short talk on some of the discussions leading up to women having the right to vote here in the United States. It will be at a women's political group for Livingston county. As you may have noticed, I added another tab just under the header for The Fowlerville Observer. I will be adding the two-page paper I wrote and presented at that meeting to that page.
In the meantime, following is an excerpt from the Farmers' Club minutes, published in the local newspaper, from 1911. While women here in the states were trying to gain equality, a discussion was conducted at the weekly meeting regarding the differences between Japanese and American women. This may have resulted due to the great unrest that ultimately resulted in World War I a few years later.
How do the women in Japanese homes compare with women in American homes?
A nicely prepared paper was given on the subject by Mrs. F.A. Rathbun, who gave a good description of the Japanese home; no American furniture, floors covered with white matting, people sit on floors, shoes taken off just inside the door, maid meet people at the door with hands extended, palms downward, and bows to the floor, then asks them to remove their shoes. Supper consists of three courses; first, cake and candy; second, soup; third, tea and rice; after which she announces the bath is ready. All the family bathe in the same water. The beds are made of quilts on the floor, a peculiar pillow placed under the neck, head hanging over. Fashions never vary, silk flowing, robes commonly being worn. Everybody has a maid servant, the maid approaching her mistress on her knees. American women reverse the custom.
Mrs. Frank Curtis gave a description of a visit to a Japanese Christian home by an American family which was very interesting, which space forbids writing here, but she mentioned the Japanese dress equal to or superior to the American "hobble skirt."
Mrs. G.L. Adams spoke of their being a people given to reasoning and that accounted for the Christian spirit that was growing there. Mrs. O.E. Carr spoke of the marriage custom in Japan, the men alone being able to obtain a divorce and for adultry, the women are punished by death, the husband can administer the punishment, he having all the privileges along those lines; brides are disfigured in many ways to make them hideous and ugly looking.
G.L. Adams said American women were the equal of men, and often the boss of the household. Japanese girls were sold by their own father for immoral purposes to pay his debts, after which she returned to the household without social taint.
J.B. Fuller thought American women are splendid, if they did not wear hobble skirts, high heel shoes, big hats and long hatpins. Mrs. J. Snyder and others spoke on the "white slave traffic" in both countries, thought Japan was ignorant and in a way innocent along these lines which America had no excuse.
Of course, I had to head to wikipedia to get this picture of a hobble skirt. Definitely fits its name because what else could a women do but hobble!?!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
1915 Copeland and Griffin
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Frederick Copeland, b. Jan. 2, 1845, d. June 28, 1931, and
Mother of Claudie, Phebe, wife of Frederick Copeland, b. Oc. 6, 1851, d. June 15, 1915.
Good Woman Called Home~~Mrs. Phebe Halifax Copeland died at her home in this village early Tuesday morning, after a lingering illness of nearly ten months, of at times almost unendurable pain and suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude and patience that caused her friends to wonder at her powers of endurance and the inexhaustiveness of her patience, until death came as a relief, even to those who loved her most.
She was born in Lincolnshire, England, Oct. 6, 1851, and came with her parents to the United States in the same year, settling at Seneca Falls, N.Y. In 1854, she came to Michigan and in Oct. 24, 1873, married Frederick Copeland at Henrietta, Jackson county, and settled on the farm in Conway where she continued her residence until she came with her husband to this village a few years since. She was the mother of two children, one having passed on before, the other Clifford, with the husband and a large circle of friends survive her. She was a faithful member of the Baptist church and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was indeed a true wife and loving mother.
The funeral services will be held at the Baptist church this afternoon, the Rev. F.I. Winter, officiating, assisted by Rev. G.L. Adams, and the remains will be placed in the vault until the new mausoleum is completed.
Mother of Claudie, Phebe, wife of Frederick Copeland, b. Oc. 6, 1851, d. June 15, 1915.

Good Woman Called Home~~Mrs. Phebe Halifax Copeland died at her home in this village early Tuesday morning, after a lingering illness of nearly ten months, of at times almost unendurable pain and suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude and patience that caused her friends to wonder at her powers of endurance and the inexhaustiveness of her patience, until death came as a relief, even to those who loved her most.
She was born in Lincolnshire, England, Oct. 6, 1851, and came with her parents to the United States in the same year, settling at Seneca Falls, N.Y. In 1854, she came to Michigan and in Oct. 24, 1873, married Frederick Copeland at Henrietta, Jackson county, and settled on the farm in Conway where she continued her residence until she came with her husband to this village a few years since. She was the mother of two children, one having passed on before, the other Clifford, with the husband and a large circle of friends survive her. She was a faithful member of the Baptist church and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was indeed a true wife and loving mother.
The funeral services will be held at the Baptist church this afternoon, the Rev. F.I. Winter, officiating, assisted by Rev. G.L. Adams, and the remains will be placed in the vault until the new mausoleum is completed.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
1879 Lovely Opera House
Lovely's New Opera house has received the finishing touches. The building is 32x90 feet, two stories high, the second story proper forming the hall. This has a nice high ceiling and is well-ventilated, lighted, and provided with two large stairways. The architect and carpenter work of the building was superintended by Mr. F.J. Harmon and is well and substantially done. The painting and graining outside and in was done by the Treadwell Bros. and is done as good as it can be done by anybody. The interior of the hall is grained in oak and maple with black-walnut trimmings making a very neat, showy appearance. In the rear of the hall is a stage 26 feet deep with a 20-foot perscenium provided with four scenes and a drop curtain, which have been placed in the hall within the last week and are the work of W.C. Pope. The scenery is an excellent piece of work and is the biggest addition Mr. Lovely could have made. As above stated the scenes are four in number consisting of a street scene, a parlor scene, a kitchen scene and a wood scene, while the drop curtain is a handsome landscape. Much credit is due Mr. Lovely in his persistent efforts to furnish Fowlerville with such an excellent public hall, which the people thus far seem to appreciate.
And thus began a long run of performances, speeches, parties, and orations in the hall. The above article in the local newspaper definitely gave a great description of the hall -- how nice it would have been to find pictures of this hall, but no such luck.
And thus began a long run of performances, speeches, parties, and orations in the hall. The above article in the local newspaper definitely gave a great description of the hall -- how nice it would have been to find pictures of this hall, but no such luck.
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Monday, September 12, 2011
1901 Informal Reception
It almost appears, during G.L. Adams' 55-year run of editing and publishing The Fowlerville Review, he was at every event in the village. The following recap of an impromptu celebration had him at the scene:
Bert Cooper and Matt Heeney arrived home from the Philippines a few days since after having been mustered out of Uncle Sam's service and the regular meeting of Gilluly post, G.A.R., was turned into an informal reception to the boys on Thursday evening, a number of friends having been invited in by the members of the post to enjoy the evening.
Claud Hyne was present with his phonograph and entertained the company very pleasantly while the people were gathering and also during and after the program, being one of the pleasant features of the evening which was fully appreciated by all.
Comrade D.C. Carr, who had charge of the program, rapped for order and Messrs. E.L. Afflick and F.G. Rounsville tendered a fine duet, which was followed by prayer by Rev. J.E. Ryerson. Morgan Vaughn sand a solo and Commander W.M. Horton followed in a rousing address. Messrs. Afflick and Rounsville sand another duet and Dr. A.W. Cooper eulogized the American soldier. Nellie Gardner sand a very appropriate solo and Bert Cooper then became a target for all kinds of questions from the audience as to the islands, the people and their manner and methods of life. Bert seemed to be a walking encyclopedia and answered all questions to the satisfaction of all and showed conclusively to all that the American soldier is not only a good fighter, but also a close observer. Mabel Cooper entertained the company with two fine recitations and Rev. J.E. Ryerson talked upon superiority of the volunteer soldier, Messrs. Afflick and Rounsville sand the closing song and G.L. Adams pronounced the benediction. Ella Bundy and Mrs. C.D. Hamilton were the accompanists for the musical part of the program.
At the close of the program, the Relief Corps served cake and coffee which was enjoyed amid a pleasant time of social converse and all noted the evening a very enjoyable event, heartily congratulating the boys on their safe return and the post for the kindly reception.
Bert Cooper and Matt Heeney arrived home from the Philippines a few days since after having been mustered out of Uncle Sam's service and the regular meeting of Gilluly post, G.A.R., was turned into an informal reception to the boys on Thursday evening, a number of friends having been invited in by the members of the post to enjoy the evening.
Claud Hyne was present with his phonograph and entertained the company very pleasantly while the people were gathering and also during and after the program, being one of the pleasant features of the evening which was fully appreciated by all.
Comrade D.C. Carr, who had charge of the program, rapped for order and Messrs. E.L. Afflick and F.G. Rounsville tendered a fine duet, which was followed by prayer by Rev. J.E. Ryerson. Morgan Vaughn sand a solo and Commander W.M. Horton followed in a rousing address. Messrs. Afflick and Rounsville sand another duet and Dr. A.W. Cooper eulogized the American soldier. Nellie Gardner sand a very appropriate solo and Bert Cooper then became a target for all kinds of questions from the audience as to the islands, the people and their manner and methods of life. Bert seemed to be a walking encyclopedia and answered all questions to the satisfaction of all and showed conclusively to all that the American soldier is not only a good fighter, but also a close observer. Mabel Cooper entertained the company with two fine recitations and Rev. J.E. Ryerson talked upon superiority of the volunteer soldier, Messrs. Afflick and Rounsville sand the closing song and G.L. Adams pronounced the benediction. Ella Bundy and Mrs. C.D. Hamilton were the accompanists for the musical part of the program.
At the close of the program, the Relief Corps served cake and coffee which was enjoyed amid a pleasant time of social converse and all noted the evening a very enjoyable event, heartily congratulating the boys on their safe return and the post for the kindly reception.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
2011 Dawn Patrol
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Fowlerville Fly-In Dawn Patrol. It also marks the 10th anniversary of the WTC towers in New York City on September 11, 2001.
All of the laughter and conversation of those having the annual Rotary breakfast came to a halt at 8:46 when a moment of silence was offered up to those lives lost in the attacks and subsequent fighting overseas, followed by the singing of the national anthem and the unfurling of the American flag.
1877 Bell Soda Fountain
There have been numerous soda fountains in Fowlerville -- some may remember Tomion's, Woods Drugs, and Spag's, just to name a few. But earlier, in 1877, there was Bell's where a refreshing soda could be purchased. The editor of The Fowlerville Review wrote a glowing article, although I have to wonder if it really was an advertisement in disguise. It follows:
"Whew!" whistled a seedy looking individual on Monday in front of Bell's as he mopped his face with his shirt sleeve and then sat down on the sidewalk in the shade of a dry goods box, "I believe I'm sun-struck." A bystand noticed the ghastly aspect of the fellow and suggested that a glass of soda water might make him feel better. "Yes," he remarked as he sauntered up to the fountain. "I have been feeling it coming on but I guess this'll fix it." He swallowed the draught, passed out and was shortly afterward seen "hodding-up" brick on the Palmerton block, something that under ordinary circumstances it would have been next to impossible to have prevailed upon him to do. It's surprising what a wonderful effect Bell's soda water will have on a person.
I'm not sure what "hodding-up" is supposed to mean, or if it was a typo in the newspaper. "Holding-up" maybe? No matter, it definitely sounded like the fellow was nicely revived.
"Whew!" whistled a seedy looking individual on Monday in front of Bell's as he mopped his face with his shirt sleeve and then sat down on the sidewalk in the shade of a dry goods box, "I believe I'm sun-struck." A bystand noticed the ghastly aspect of the fellow and suggested that a glass of soda water might make him feel better. "Yes," he remarked as he sauntered up to the fountain. "I have been feeling it coming on but I guess this'll fix it." He swallowed the draught, passed out and was shortly afterward seen "hodding-up" brick on the Palmerton block, something that under ordinary circumstances it would have been next to impossible to have prevailed upon him to do. It's surprising what a wonderful effect Bell's soda water will have on a person.
I'm not sure what "hodding-up" is supposed to mean, or if it was a typo in the newspaper. "Holding-up" maybe? No matter, it definitely sounded like the fellow was nicely revived.
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More of the Peterson family --
Helen E. Peterson, b. April 22, 1877, d. Nov. 11, 1925, and
Gale F. Peterson, b. Aug. 29, 1877, d. July 8, _____, and

Zora Peterson, b. Jan 5, 1853 (?), d. Nov. 2 (?), 1945, and
Freeman G. Peterson, b. May 30, 1848, d. July 7, 1918.

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