Friday, July 29, 2011

1877 Eccentric Chap

The editor of the local newspaper had a wonderful way of describing the goings-on of a wandering man, getting slightly liquored up, and his weekend adventure in the village. Following is the article:

"Parshal"-ity~~Rather an eccentric chap arrived in town the latter part of last week, dressed quite well and in appearance would scarcely be taken for a tramp. He made application at the residence of W.M. Beach for something to eat but was politely informed that they did not keep a boarding house. He left remarking that he "thought the people of this town were pretty blamed poor." He wandered around town for a time and, after taking in a dose or two of aqua vitae, marched into the pantry of James Bean's residence and, planting himself in a chair, demanded "something to eat." He was told to leave and, without any seeming disposition to be ugly, stood not upon the order of going but went. The next place visited was the residence of Deputy Sheriff Parshal and intimated that he would like a place to board. Taylor, without the usual Parshal-ity shown such fellows, said he could accommodate him and immediately conveyed him to the hotel deCalaboose, where he was entertained with all the delicacies the establishment could afford until Sunday morning when, having sobered off, he was released under suspended sentence on condition that he leave town. He expressed himself that "this was a bad town and you'd never catch him here again." It's hoped not.

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