Friday, July 15, 2011

1908 Niles Bros

Niles Bros. was a local merchant of dry goods in the early 1900s.  They advertised heavily in the local paper, and prompted further comment in the local section with contests such as the following:

Niles Bros Co placed a huge candle in their show window last Saturday, which they will light on May 22.  Between now and that date all who care to do so, whether purchasers or note, are invited to register a guess as to how long the candle will burn.  One guess each day can be registered until May 22.  The one that guesses the nearest will be given a fine cabinet which is also on exhibition.

A few weeks later,

The candle in the store window of Niles Bros Co lighted on Friday of last week, burned until Wednesday evening, 133 hours and 33 minutes.  John Finlan proved to be the best guesser, coming within three minutes of the actual time of its burning, and carried home the parlor cabinet.  It was a novel method of advertising.

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