Saturday, May 28, 2011

1901 S.T. Blackmer

I found the following two articles, published in The Fowlerville Review in 1901, interesting -- partially because I was under the impression Blackmer's Men's Clothing had been housed in two locations only. It would appear in between being located at the northeast corner of North Second and East Grand River avenue and then in the middle of the southeast block on East Grand River, the store could be found in the Greenaway building:

S.T. Blackmer has leased the Greenaway building on Grand River street, which is now undergoing some interior repairs, and he expects to occupy it the first of the year.

S.T. Blackmer (as seen below) has removed his clothing and shoe stock to the Greenaway building on the north side of the street. The store has been refitted throughout, both the lower and upper floors, with new shelving and fixtures, including sliding ladders and all the modern improvements and convenience.The first time I came across the Blackmer name was in 1896 with, S.T. Blackmer and C.W. Minto, of Flint, have rented the Smith store and will put in a large stock of clothing and gents furnishing goods. They are both energetic young men and Mr. Blackmer has had years of experience in the clothing business and knows the wants of the general public in that line.

And then, Blackmer and Minto, have a new advertisement in this paper this week. They have purchased a fine stock of clothing and gents outfitting goods and will open the stock to the public in the Smith store on Saturday, Sept. 5. They come expecting to make Fowlerville their home and will offer you a fine line of goods at the lowest possible prices.

So, now I'm looking for any information of what might have been considered the "Greenaway building."

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