Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1897 Chicken Thieves, Drunks, Business, and Fire

While going through old, very old issues of The Fowlerville Review, found at the Howell Library on microfilm, sometimes a whole series of articles strung together randomly in the local news section strikes me as needing to be repeating. One such series follows:

Chicken thieves are in this part of town; last Wednesday evening they stole some from H. Knapp and on Thursday evening they visited James Broadway and Nelson Franks, where they stole a good many before they were discovered.

On Tuesday night as Frank Nichols was going home, near his residence he found a man in the ditch in a drunken condition and freezing; he was taken to Justice Grill's who took care of him until the next day.

James E. Handy and Will H. Palmerton have rented the feed mill of Alton Peckens and by strick attention to business hope to secure a share of the feed grinding. They will also keep a quantity of feed on hand for sale.

L.W. Stevens, the shoe and harness maker, has an advertisement calling your attention to his hand-made harness and repair work and inviting your patronage.

The Griswold school house burned to the ground on Monday night about ten o'clock. Those who saw it in time rescued the teacher's desk and what books and papers it contained while the rest of the furniture, fixtures and books went with the flames. The school house was quite an old landmark being built about 26 years ago. The building was insured for $600. Mr. Kuehnle, the director, says they will have another school house in a short time and there is also talk of another site.

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