Monday, June 6, 2011

1900 Miracle Tea

In the early 1900s, it would appear Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea was a popular elixir for EVERYTHING -- that is, if you believed all of the J.L. Cooper (and eventually 'and Son') ads.  Following are a few of those advertisements found in The Fowlerville Review, published and edited by G.L. Adams:

Many of the ills from which women suffer can be completely cured with Rocky Mountain Tea.  Rich, red blood, good digestion, and health follow its use.  35 cents.  For sale by J.L. Cooper.

It's pretty hard to define real beauty.  Rare and beautiful women everywhere owe their loveliness to Rocky Mountain Tea.  35c.  For sale by J.L. Cooper.

'What's the matter, old man?  Been losing on wheat?'  'No, not that I forgot to take Rocky Mountain last night.  Wife said I'd be sick today.'  35 cents.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

Baby sleeps and grows while mamma rests if Rocky Mountain Tea is given.  It's the greatest baby medicine ever offered loving mothers.  35 cents.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

Pimples, faded complexion, chapped skin, red, rough hands, exzema, tetter, bad blood, cured in a short time, with Rocky Mountain Tea, the great complexion restorer.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

Makes mother eat, makes father eat, makes grandma eat, makes grandpa eat, makes the children eat.  Rocky Mountain Tea does it.  A great spring tonic.  35 cents.  For sale by J.L. Cooper.

Removes the microbes which impoverish the blood and circulation.  Stops all trouble that interferes with nutrition.  That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do.  35 cents.  Tea or tablet form.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

When you feel like sighing -- sing.  Sighing will never pleasure bring.  Learn to laugh, you can laugh and laugh right by taking Rocky Mountain Tea at night.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

The great system renovator.  Restores viality, regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach.  If Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea fails to cure, get your money back.  That's fair.  35 cents.  Tea or tablets.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

Constipation and piles are twins.  They kill people inch by inch, sap life away every day.  Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure you.  No cure, no pay.  35 cents.  Tea or tablets.  Sold by J.L. Cooper.

It makes no different how many medicines have failed to cure you, if you are troubled with headache, constipation, kidney or liver trouble, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well.  Sold by J.L. Cooper and Son.

Beautiful eyes and handsome face are eloquent commendations.  Bright eyes are windows to a woman's heart.  Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes bright eyes.  35 cents.  Tea or tablets.  Sold by J.L. Cooper and Son.

There's a pretty girl in an Alpine hat, a sweeter girl with a sailor brim, but the handsomest girl you've ever see is the sensible girl who uses Rocky Mountain Tea.  Sold by J.L. Cooper and Son.

If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month.  A tonic for the sick.  There is no remedy to equal it.  35 cents.  Tea or tablets.  For sale by J.L. Cooper and Son.

If you have lost your boyhood spirits, courage and confidence in youth, we offer you new life, fresh courage and freedom from ill health in Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.  35 cents, Tea or Tablets.  J.L. Cooper and Son.

And it continues, week after week.  Sometimes the ad wording would be repeated but always promoted to 'fix what ails ya' - as my mother used to say.  As happens so often when I come across something like this tea, I headed to Google and typed in 'Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.'  eBay provided me with some information, including some empty packets for sale, using the following pictures to show the product information:

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